Round 1, Part 1

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The waiting is over, and we hope you're all tuned for a little writing!

Let's start the party! 


So, how does the round work? We thought we won't make it easy, as easy is boring, right? And we also don't want to eliminate half of you before you even got the chance to warm up your finger joints by tapping  those keys. So, here is what we came up with:


This fist round is a "double round" — This means that each participant gets two chances to qualify for the further rounds. You may take one, or you may take both. It's entirely up to you. 


The first prompt (Round 1 Part 1) will be given today, the second one (Round 1 part 2) in two weeks, on November 21st. The catch? You'll have to deliver your entry for round one before then, on November 20th.


The honourable judging team will read and judge all stories of Round 1, part 1 & 2. Your average score over both parts will decide if you move on to the next round or not. So, if you deliver a story for only one part of Round 1, you may still qualify for Round 2. To make joining in both parts of this round more attractive, one bonus point on top of the total score will be assigned to those who join in both parts...


Depending on the results of Round 1, part 1 & 2, a repechage round may be added to break ties and help us compose the board of those who will continue. 


And a few more rules:


 All stories must be written in English.


They must fit the prompt and the given word count — and qualify as SciFi.


We only accept new stories written for this contest.


The decisions of the judging team are final and won't be discussed.


All clear? If not, try a pan galactic gargle blaster and reread the whole thing. If you still have doubts, ping jinnis in the comments and she'll give her best to light a candle for you. Or a super nova. 

Also, you are totally allowed to help each other, cheer each other on and stuff. Just keep it positive and within the Wattpad guidelines.


And here is the prompt for Round 1, part 1:

Write a story with a maximum of 1500 words based on the following quote:

Add the story  to your SmackDown anthology (or somewhere else on your profile) and publish the link in the comment section of this chapter

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Add the story  to your SmackDown anthology (or somewhere else on your profile) and publish the link in the comment section of this chapter.

Deadline:  Saturday, 20th of November 2021.


Best of luck, and may the Force of inspiration be with you!


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