And yes, here we are with the next prompt. Can't believe we're already in round two. This time, we have 24 competitors for 16 places in the upcoming Round 3. So, write well and fight hard for your spot!
And as we're in round two, it's fitting that we give you two things you have to integrate into your story, right?
So, the two things your story has to include are:
This song...
And two of these characters
- Cleopatra VII Philopator, queen of Egypt
- Elvis Presley
- Donald Duck
- Marie Curie
- Laika of Sputnik 2
All stories must be written in English, must be a maximum of 2000 words long, fit the prompt, and qualify as SciFi. We only accept new stories written for this contest. Also, the decisions of the judging team are final and won't be discussed.
To submit, add the direct link to your story in the comments to this chapter. The deadline for this one is Friday, 31st of December 2021.
Happy writing!
The Ultimate Science Fiction Smack Down
Random@Ooorah and @ScienceFiction host The Ultimate Science Fiction Smack Down - a prompt-based writing challenge for all science fiction writers and geeks on Wattpad. Sharpen your pencil, dust your keyboard, and bring a bowl of popcorn for the journey...