Round 5 - Semifinals

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Welcome to the semifinals of the Ultimate ScienceFiction SmackDown!

You did it, you survived garden gnomes, cats, Tina Turner, and, in one case, even a drabble duel. And now you're hopefully eager to take the next challenge...

Your job is to write a science fiction short story of no more than 5000 words based on the following prompts. All five prompts have to be used. More information on the sub-genres in question can be found in the Ooorah guide  to SciFi sub genres.

Pairing 1 — potatoturnipbean vs. theidiotmachine 

✨ sub genre: SoulPunk

✨ the number 757

✨ a dentist

✨ a rescue

✨ picture:

✨ picture:

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Pairing 2 — wdhenning vs. RJGlynn 

✨ sub genre: TrashPunk

✨ H₂CO₃

✨ an artist

✨ a love triangle 

✨ picture:

✨ picture:

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Your deadline is Mai, 20th 2022, which gives you six weeks to come up with your story and should allow to the ONC contributors to finish both their submissions in time. As soon as both stories of a pair are — even before the deadline — they will be sent to the judges.

Please add the link to your story into the comments of this chapter, as usual.

Good luck, lots of inspiration, and may the best SmackDowners win!

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