I'll play your little game too.

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After, I got my breakfast I went back to my room. I layed on my bed thinking of what happen in the elevator. Why would he kiss me when he was flirting with that blonde slut yesterday. I'm so confused. One mintue Jack is telling me that I will be his, next he flirtimg with a girl. Like this morning. After Jack kissed me, we went in line to get breakfast. I saw him slap a brown hair girl ass. He's playing with my emtions.

You want to play that game, okay I'll play with you. I change into my cute red dress. I put on my red flats. I curled my hair (in media) and put on some make up. I walked out of the room and to my brother room. The boys doors were open. They all came out and looked at me. I heard one of them whistle.

"Zayum Cat you look hot," Cam said

"Thank you Cam," I said wink at him. I walked past Jack's and Jack's room. I saw Jack J looking at me. I winked at him. I walked into my brother's room.

"Why are you wearing that dress and walking around with it on?" Matt asked.

"I'm going to beat Jack J at his little game," I said.

Jack J's P.O.V.

I can't believe Nash whistle at her and Cameron called her hot. They're lucky I didn't punch them she mine. What?! I'm the one that supose to make her feel that way not me. What is she doing to me.

I got took out of my thoughts when there was a knock on mine and Jack G's girl. I turned around. There was the girl I'm trying to get to fall for me. Cat.

"Can you come with me?" She asked.

"Sure," I said. She walked ahead of me. I followed her to her room. We went to her room

"Close the door please," she said. I turned around and closed the door. When I turned around, I was push against the door. I felt her breath on my neck.

"I know your little game Johnson, and I won't fall for it," she said. Then she walked away. I stood there shocked.

"You can leave now," she said. I walked out.

Cat's P.O.V.

After Jack J left, I locked my door and changed back into what I was wearing before. That should teach him a lesson. If it doesn't I'll play along.

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