Having a Blast with my brother

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I was doing my youtube video. This one is one my fans wanted Matt to wear make up. Everynow and then I do a video with Matt. I let my fans decide what me and Matt do. They wanted me to put make up on Matt's face. Matt was moving alot .

"Matt stop moving," I said.

"Why do you have to put make up on me?" He asked.

"Because my fans wanted me to," I said, "I'm almost done."

I finish with the eyeliner. My brother face looks so funny. I turned him around to face the camera. His eyes went big.

"What did you do? I thought you were just putting on a little bit of make up," said Matt.

"Oppps I forgot," I said with a giggle.

"You are going to pay for this," he said.

"Oooooo I'm scared," I said.

I knew he was going to chase me. So I grabbed my camera and ran. I knew I wouldn't out run him but, at least I got head start.

"Catalina Marie Espinosa, get back here," I hear Matt say. I keep running. I ran up the stairs and to my room and locked my door.

"Never get Matt mad guys it horrible," I said in to the camera, "That's it guys for these week see you next week."

I stopped my recording. I could hear Matt bang on my door.

"You are going to pay for this!" He yelled.

"Okay!" I yelled back.

I know he is already thinking of ways to get me back. He might do it after he gets back on tour. He is leaving for Magcon tour in 7 days. I haven't met the guys yet. I don't really care. I came out of my room and the next thing I know there's pie in my face. Good revenge Matt.

"Okay we're even," he said, "come let's get clean up. I need to tell you something." I nodded. What does he need to tell me? It is okay because I'm Having a Blast with my brother.

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