chapter sixteen: princess

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in turn the boys began to climb up the small mountain, the rocky limestone of the cliffs was oddly unsettling, leaving a pit of worry in you. as you climbed, the hut like cabin came closer into view, up close the hut was even more old and rustic than for anticipated. the wind on the old rotting wood howled in a high pitch tone, almost like a warning. The mist of the sea smelt different up on the mountain, unlike the purifying atmosphere it created on the treasure, it was now stale and almost cut wrenching.

"you're here, at last" a gravel like voice came from the building, sending shivers down your spine.

"come in" the voice came again

you looked at Hongjoong, your captain grabbed your hand in reassurances. he turned to the others

"you three" pointing to Woo, Sannie and Mingi, "stay on the look out, and the rest of you, let's go inside and stay armed" the captain whispered.

with one hand on your back, Yeosang guided you into the hut. mysterious bottles of unidentifiable substances hung from the ceiling, the smell of dead rodents was revolting. the yellowed windows created an uneasy hue shadowing the faces of the boys you old dear. along at the back of the hut was an old navigators table, but instead of maps, we're cages of animals of all kinds, a crystal ball and other unknown objects.

sitting behind the desk was a lump figure covered in rags and jewels. the figure raised its head, its undead like features made the boys jump back, but that's not what you were focused on. around the woman's neck was a golden chain with a golden shell and a blue crystal. an exact replica of the one you once wore when you arose on the island.

"hello princess" cackled the woman "i wondered when i'd be seeing you" she displayed a venomous grin.

"princess?" Yeosang whispered in turn.

"if you know who she is and why we are here then cut the crap and just tell us!" Seonghwa yelled in frustration.

"Hwa, it's okay." you said grabbing his hand in reassurance.

"my sweet child" she rasped "she, is the princess" the woman paused "and she has been reunited with her prince once more" she cackled

"what?" you asked

"child you, are the princess of the sea. your powers were a blessing brought onto you at birth." she hackled "your powers are that of the waves, the water, the animals. but the activation, was the powers of the sea finally being reunited with the powers of fire. my child, you the sea princess and finally found the prince of fire"

you sat there, silent. trying to comprehend this new information. a princess?

"but that doesn't answer why she has amensia, or the flashbacks." said Yeosang

"they took away her memories they tried to kill her they tried to control the princess with the necklace" she cackled pulling on her own necklace

"why do you wear one?" Hongioong asked

"they are made to inhibit those who are not like the normal people to use their gifts" the woman spat "they discovered her like they discovered me and placed the same cursed necklace upon her, causing her to bleed any time she tried to use her gifts" the woman continued

"i see." said Yeosang

"who are they?" inquired Jongho, but he was interrupted

"uh.. guYS!" yelled Mingi from outside the hut on his patrol. "WE HAVE COMPANY!" the tall boy yelled. His warning was followed by a loud crash on the side of the mountain. canons.

"they are here" the woman gleed

"you alerted people!" Seonghwa grabbed the woman and spat at her

"the price upon her head is very extensive." she cackled

"Seonghwa we don't have time!" Hongjoong ordered "Let's go!" he yelled.

Gunshots sounded from both sides. San, Mingi and Wooyoung were lined up outside shooting the the enemy. The enemy ship climbed onto the treasure coving more ground ensuring safe passage back onto the treasure was impossible.

"Y/N is the one they want, hide her!" yelled San in desperation

"I'm going to fight with you" you yelled back pulling out your new musket

"i am not letting you get hurt!" he angered "now go!"

"No!" you argued

"I agree with San." yelled Hongjoong over the loud fight "you need to hide, Mingi take her somewhere safe."

"i want to go with them!" protested Seonghwa

"me too!" yelled Wooyoung

"no, it needs to be just Mingi and Y/N, the rest of us need to stay, we need to keep her safe but fighting for her." San explained

"but what if you get hurt?" you asked in desperation. sadly i'm avoidance san looked at Mingi

"now take her, keep her hidden." San explained.

the tall man nodded, and thought San was not his superior, reluctantly obliged. you knew your powers could help them, but you also knew they wouldn't let their 'little pirate' be in the middle of a fight like this. Mingi grabbed you by the hand and you began to run, faster than you have ever ran before. taking a look behind your shoulder you locked eyes with San, watching you ask you left the group, emotional pain flushed across is face. you knew he was scared for you, but you also knew he'd do anything to protect you.

as you and the tall man holding you hard ran further away from the group, your started to lose sight of them and in follow, could only hear the battle at a distance. pain found it's way into your heart. those boys, the boys who saved you, the boys who mean the world to you, the boys you lived so dearly, we're risking their lives for you. as you ran, the wind began to catch your tears and you cried for the boys in the fight, praying for their survival.

Mingi found a dark cave in the limestone mountainous terrain. he guided you toward the hidden naturally formed entry way. one the pair of you were saftely tucked away he grabbed you other hand and looked into your eyes.

"everything is going to be okay." he reassured "they know what they're doing, they're the best pirates in the sea." he smiled.

you nodded in response and leaped forward to his talk figure, hugging him and burying your fave into his chest, releasing sobs of fear.

the boy understood the poor girl wrapped in his arms and caressed her head, cooing to calm her down.

"everything will be okay"

posting twice in one week? wowzers.
i hope you enjoyed this chapter! make sure to drink water, wash your face and do something that makes you smile xx

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