chapter thirteen; "don't follow the naked woman dumbass!"

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A few days had past and you had all been sailing toward the fortune tellers island. According to Yeosang's map, you should reach the said island in a day or two, which was very promising.

You walked from your room and down the stairs to weapons. Jongho asked for your help to re-organise a few things. You saw the boy holding a arm full of muskets and smiled, you began to help.

"are you nervous?" Jongho asked

"for what?"

"for the fortune teller." He replied

"i guess, i'm scared for what she might tell me but other than that i think i'm okay."

"we will all be there to support and help you Y/N." Jongho smiled

The two of you continued to chat until the room was fully organised. Jongho still had a few jobs to do so you left him to go find someone else to pester and be around. You had barely reached the deck and a man grabbed you into a suffocating hug.

"hello my little pirate!" gleed the man

"hi woo." you giggled and ruffled his soft hair "why are you doing today?" you asked him

"i'm about to go practice with San, want to come?" he asked

"of course!" you replied.

Wooyoung took your hand in his and smiled, the two of you walked toward the main mast where San would be waiting. You looked out, past the ship and saw a thick, distant fog gliding across the water. The two of you made it to the main deck to see San. San looked down and yours and woo's interlocked hands. The poor boys faced dropped into a momentary sadness but quickly lit back up when you ran to give him a hug. He held you, one hand resting on the back of your neck and one cradling your back. The energy was as though the two of you had been apart for years on end, but alas it had only been a few hours. The feeling was electrifying.

"hello beautiful." he smiled as he let go, eyes wandering around your face in wonder.

"hey Sannie! i've come to watch you and woo." you said

the three of you talked for a little while the boys set up, ready for the fight. Once everything was organised, you sat down on the side of the deck ready to watch. The two of them fought hand to hand combat, San had calm and calculated movements while Wooyoung was unpredictable and fast. It made for an interesting match. The two of them seemed like to polar opposites in they way they fight which only made it more astounding. While they fought, your gaze drifted toward the open sea, the fog you had seen earlier was getting closer and thicker as the ship sailed. You turned your head to see Yeosang running out from his navigator cabin and rushing in worry toward Hongjoong who was steering.

"What could possibly be happening now?" you sighed.

The two boys stopped fighting as they too saw Yeosang running to the Captain.

"this can't be good." San said and walked over to you in an almost protective manner. Wooyoung joined the two of you and held onto your arm, presumably trying to keep you safe from what ever Yeosang had found. Hongjoong walked over to the bell and rung it.

"well shit." said Wooyoung.

all eight boys from all around the ship met at the steer to hear what Hongjoong had to say.

"Everyone, we are incoming on the Sirens cave." Hongjoong said sternly. They boys gasped and many were in shock, but you stood there.

"what's the sirens cave?" you asked.

"it's section amongst one of the deepest and most mysterious parts of the sea, and these creatures called sirens live there." answered Seonghwa "sirens have this ability to seduce any man with the songs that they sing, they put you into a trance and drag you down to the depths of the ocean where the murder you." he continued

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