Chapter five

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Y/n's pov

I opened my eyes to the loud sirens of police cars and bright blue and red flashing lights.
My hearing was messed up from the hitting but I could hear muffled voices all around me.

I couldn't move at all. I felt paralysed, my whole body was sore, the only thing I could see was still blood. It was torture. Until I heard that one voice.
My ears were numb and bleeding but through all the pain I could still recognise that voice anywhere.

I couldn't bare to speak but in that moment I had no choice. I felt dead, so who's to say they didn't think I actually was dead. "Scar?" I spluttered. It was quiet but I now knew her full attention was on me.

"Y/n?" She sounded as if she'd been crying or at least upset. I couldn't bare to speak again so I just hoped she'd get the hint. "Y/n I'm so sorry." She cried, I could feel her breath on my hand.

"We're going to get you to the hospital honey. The police are here, trying to find out who did this to you. Do you have a perspective of even one of the men?" Scarlett asked holding my hand.

"I can't speak." I managed to say inhaling dangerously. "Do you know anything about them. Just nod or shake your head." I nodded but cried out in pain after the simple movement shattered my body. It felt like shards of glass were being pushed further into my body with each breath.

"Y/n!" a familiar voice shrieked.
"Casey, she's in a fragile state, her hearing isn't great. The poor girl can't even speak." Scarlett explained. "Y/n I love you and I promise I'll never take you to a club again I'm sorry it's my fault."
Casey sobbed. All I could do was nod.

"Alright Ms Johansson, the ambulance is here."
"Thank you." What felt like hours later some
people were lifting me up off of the blood soaked bed onto a medical bed. As soon as their hands touched my body the pain reacted.

I shrieked and they stopped obviously in shock.
"It hurts, can you do it, please." I made eye contact with Scarlett. She sighed and got up. She picked me up gently bridal style making sure she didn't touch any vulnerable places.
It hurt but I felt safe in her arms so I gave it all in me to stay quiet.

Moments later I was being wheeled out of the club and onto a ambulance. All I could think about was Scar. If she was coming with me. "Scar?" I called out, a whimper in my tone. "I'm here." She said announcing herself. Her hand grazed across my hair.

"Poor baby, see this is why you answer my texts and calls. I told you not to go out in that dress." Her words came across firmly but her hand was soft against my hair. "Please take it all out on me after I'm not bleeding from my head." I contemplated.

A soft laugh could be heard and that's when everything went black.

Scarlett's pov

"What happened!" one of the doctors onboard shouted, grabbing a pair of surgical gloves from a packet. Casey became aware of the situation and sat by Y/n's side.

"I don't know she was just talking to me, joking and everything and then her eyes closed suddenly, I don't know what to do." I stammered trying to hide the tears escaping from my eyes.

The doctor started at me, a look of realisation darted at me. He soon turned away to the nurse on board whispering something to her and signalled something to the driver.

"Maybe someone could tell me what the fuck is going on." I said sarcastically under my breath. I saw Casey's leg start to shake rapidly as he started to bite on his nails.

"Ms Johansson, Y/n is, well she's fallen into a very sudden coma produced from the hits to her head. We're going to find out more but we need to get to the hospital room because we don't have all of the crucial equipment and PPE we need." He asserted.

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