Chapter seven

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I woke up the next day rolling over to face Scarlett but she wasn't there. I reached to the side of me and checked my phone.

Hey darling, I'm at a meeting right now and won't be back for a while.
Make yourself at home I left you something to eat downstairs.

I smile at the message making sure to reply subtly before throwing my head back into the pillow realising I probably have to go back to my apartment to make sure Casey didn't think I was dead or something.

Removing myself from Scarlett's comfortable bed was a challenge but I managed to get myself up and into her on-suite. A smile creaked at the edge of my mouth when I looked at the clothes Scarlett had
generously had me wear the night before.

I added some mascara, bronzer and foundation adding to my features pleasantly. The smell of pancakes hit me as I walked out of the bathroom.

I licked my lips when I walked into the kitchen, a plate full of three freshly baked pancakes on the counter with a note next to it.

Wasn't sure what you'd like so there's
syrup, lemon juice and sugar
next to the plate, I'm guessing you can already

I cringed like a kid at the note smiling as if my celebrity crush had just noticed me.

I finished the pancakes and started to wash the dishes for her since I wanted to repay her. She's an amazing cook I've got to say. I glanced at the clock on the wall and it was almost eleven am.

I hurried back upstairs changing out of the clothes Scarlett gave me and putting them in the laundry room she surprisingly had. Next to one of the laundry baskets there was another note.

Keep the clothes

I bit my lip as I rolled my eyes a small laugh escaping my mouth. I rolled up the note and put it into my pocket. I folded the clothes up and placed them in my bag.

Stuck to the closet door attached to her bedroom, Scarlett had left yet another note.

Pick anything you like from my closet...

Shaking my head smiling, I picked out a outfit from her wide range of clothes. I chose a cute shirt green flowery dress and slipped it on.

Thankfully Scarlett and I were practically the same size and body shape

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Thankfully Scarlett and I were practically the same size and body shape. I did a quick twirl in the mirror checking to see if it looked good or not.

Happy with how I looked I grabbed my things making sure to grab my keys on the way out and unlocked the door with a spare key Scarlett had left on the side.

"Oh shit..." I realised I'd left my car at the restaurant we went to last night. Scarlett had convinced me to leave my car and I was blinded by her body and her control.

After a while of standing around figuring out what to do I figured a walk would do me best considering I'd been such a slut the night before. I googled the way back and it was only a fifteen minute walk, I plugged my earphones in and started to walk.

After what felt like hours I approached my door.
The door was wide open so I checked before going in laughing at a hungover Casey curled up on the couch.

"Someone's been drinking." I joked closing the door behind me.  "Yeah well what else was I meant to do,' he sat up, 'you didn't come home and I was worried so I drank a tiny bit too much."

"Yeah a tiny bit too much..." I laughed looking around at the state he'd left the house in.
He got up from the chair and raised his eyebrow at me.

"So you just get out of hospital and you get laid not even twelve hours after?" He guessed eyeing me.

"And how would you know that?" I challenged him smiling.

"One, those aren't your clothes' he pointed at Scarlett's dress, 'two, your in too much of a good mood." Although he was right I found it hard to believe that I looked as if I'd been laid.

"So who's the lucky girl..." Casey clapped putting on a small voice. "Secret..." I replied not letting him guess it. "Ooh I'll call her Mystery Girl then."
I was laughing at his silliness when my phone rang.
I excused myself for a glass of water and made my way up the stairs.

"Hello, is this Miss Katz?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"I'm calling on behalf of your college class you have been attending. Just wanted to let you know that your Professor, Professor Tromans has been diagnosed with Lung cancer and therefore will not be attending the class as he will be in intensive care."

"Oh I'm so sorry, thank you for letting me know."

"Of course, Bye Miss Katz."

Shocked I placed my phone face down sitting back on my bed. Professor Tromans was always my favourite, he was so funny and so kind it's going to be some adjustment getting used to not having him around.

Just as I was about to leave the room Casey walked in. "Hey Y/n I just wanted to apologise for the other night." His eyes filled up with tears and he held is head low. "It's fine, you didn't know and I'm okay."
I reassured him.

"Yeah but it's not okay I feel horrible about you getting hurt." He avoided eye contact.
"It's not your fault." I replied.
He gave me a small smile and walked out of the room leaving me alone.

My phone went off again and I frustratedly answered not looking at who it was.

"What!" I unintentionally shouted.

"Someone not get their beauty sleep?"


"Oh so we're back to last name privileges now are we?"

"Well if that's what you want?"

"No thank you for the clothes and food?"

"Thank you so much for all of the generous notes you left and the food and the clothes!" I contemplated in a sarcastic tone.

"Mmh, funny Katz." She mumbled.

"Oh so we are back to last name privileges then?"

"You tell me."

"No, You tell me."

"I'll tell you the next time your underneath me."
She hung up.

I curled my tongue at the clear control and thoroughly of being underneath her once more.

"I hate her..." I said jokingly too myself.
"Who'd you hate?' Casey asked obviously hearing my statement, 'and who's she?"

"Nobody." I called out to him unlocking the bedroom door. "Definitely nobody..."

A/n hey sorry for the shorter chapter kinda didn't have any inspiration but needed to update so yeah hope it's not too dry and I promise I'll try and update more regularly.

Also I went to comic con and it was so good like help-

Aching for her - Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now