When they are sick part 1

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Gi-Hun:  When he's sick, he becomes veryyyyy needy. He wants you by his side 24/7 and never wants to leave his seat.  He does this loud whine anytime you have to get up.
"Y/nnnnnnnnnn, sit back downnn.  I'm cold and I need cuddles."    "Honey calm down, Im just going to the bathroom." 
Even though he hates it when you get up, he doesn't mind it if your making him your "magic soup" (according to Gi-Hun, but it's really just chicken noodle soup); He says it always makes him feel better. 

Sung-Woo:  He becomes very quiet when he's sick. He barely says a word, and he spends 90% of the day sleeping. You usually don't stay over for too long when he sick, because you know he's just gonna be asleep the whole time. once in a while you'll come over to his house and bring him meals and medication, and sometimes you bring movies, but he usually just falls asleep on you a quarter of the way through. One thing he does like when he is sick, is when you run your fingers through his hair. He will put his head in your lap and fall asleep as you play with his hair; it makes him feel calm and relaxed.

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