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When he's sick:  When he's sick, he will continue to work until he is about to physically collapse.  You have to walk him to his private room and situate him before going back to work.  You have to take on his duties until he feels better, but you don't mind.  You check on him regularly and get him anything he might need.  He usually just watches the games on his big screen, or sleeps when he's sick, but he also waits for you to come so he can talk to you.  Once he's better, he immediately takes on his duties and thanks you. 

Hugs:  He never hugs you in front of anyone, he doesn't want to ruin his intimidating and mysterious reputation.  But when you guys are alone, he will give you long hugs and tons of kisses.  He will usually give you hugs where he rubs your back and just enjoys the moment alone with you.  Then when he has to go, he will gently hold your face in his hands, and kiss your forehead (when you alone, you're not wearing the mask, just letting y'all know haha).

First thoughts of each other: 
You:  "Who on earth is he?? I can't see, where am I?  Why is he talking to me??  Why is he asking me how I feel at a time like this?!  Who on earth is this man?"

Him:  "So this is the winner......after watching her on a screen for so long, I get to finally meet her.  She was quite skilled during the marble game, I wonder how she felt after she won, I wonder how she feels now."

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