Little things they do to show they love you

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Gi-Hun: He will act like a complete gentleman with you without even realizing it. He'll open doors for you, push in your chair, let you have the last piece of food, things like that. He doesn't realize it, but you find all that stuff really sweet, and in a makes you feel special. Also, when he gets really excited, he'll give you a big hug and spin you absolutely love it.

Sang-woo: he isn't the very lovey-dovey type, and he doesn't really care for physical touch. But, he loves to complement you. He loves watching your face light up anytime he compliments you about your outfit or your hair. He thinks it's super sweet the way you would giggle when he complements something that you never thought he would notice. Also, once in a while, he'll also call you by a cute nickname he gave you, which you find super cute.

Ali: It doesn't matter what you're doing, where you are, or who's there, but he loves to hold your hand. Sometimes, he'll do without even realizing it. But it always makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside when you feel his hand slipped into your own. When he's not holding your hand, you both are physically touching in someway, either your shoulders will be touching, he'll have his head on your shoulder, he just LOVES physical touch. Of course he will give you personal space when you need it, but he just loves to be with you.

Jun-Ho: if he ever gets any drinks or food, he'll get you some too. Every morning at work, he'll go to your desk and hand you a cup of coffee( or any drink of your choice). He would never get a drink at a café without getting you one too. He loves watching how happy you get when you see him approach you with a warm drink. He also likes to check up on you often to make sure you are doing OK. He likes to make sure nothing is bothering you and that you know he cares about you.

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