Bloody Night

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It was night in the bar, with the only light being that from the moon. The door to the stairway groaned open and Anna came out into the main area. The Strain chose to wear her lion pajamas, where the hood is the lion's head, tonight. "Lancer? Are you awake?"

The knight was laying on the couch by the window. He was using the pillow and blanket Izumo gives the Servant every night before leaving for his apartment. The first night he said it was "great to have a wolf guardin' downstairs and a lion upstairs". The demigod seemed to wake up immediately and looked at the young Clansmen, able to see in the dark like an animal. "Anna? What're ya doin' up?"

Anna looked fidgety. "Did I interrupt a dream you were having?"

"No. I just finished havin' one a while ago. Anyway, shouldn't you be in bed?"

"I had a nightmare so I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to disturb Mikoto because he's still recovering, so I wanted to see if you were up. Sorry if I disturbed you."

"It's fine since Servants don't need to sleep. Now, mind tellin' me about your nightmare? I'll see what I can do to help."

She walked slowly over to the Servant. "You and Mikoto had been killed, ripped to pieces. It was so bad that even we couldn't identify either of you right away. I probably had it because you two came back really hurt."

Lancer wrapped his arms around her small frame. "I promise that will never happen. I refuse to allow it. This War will end in Mikoto's victory. I guarantee it." He held her closer to his body and used one hand to stroke the girl's hair. How could someone so kind and gentle be regarded as a demon, Anna wondered. And yet, in her mind, she heard the phantom rattling of chains.


Kiyohime was burning Anchin alive, her dragon body coiled tightly around the bronze bell he had tried hiding under in the temple she followed him into. She still cried over his betrayal of her trust, but it was unable to be seen among the flames.

Why did he lie to me? I loved him, I loved him, I loved him, he betrayed me, I was sad, I was sad, I was sad I was sad I was sad, I hate him I hate him I hate him hate hate hate hate hate hate hate...So I burned him alive.

There was a lump next to him in the futon and it felt like something was holding onto the King. He peeled back the covers to reveal Berserker snuggled up to him and latched tightly onto his midsection. But what he noticed immediately was that all her clothes were dematerialized.

"Berserker, why are you sleeping in the futon with me while completely naked?"

The dragon slowly awoke at the sound of Ichigen's voice. "Hmm?" Then she woke up and gave the man a sweet smile. "Good morning, Master. I know you just woke up, but," she climbed over him, "feel free to do whatever you please to me now."

Even though she was born long before Ichigen was, he still couldn't help but merely see Berserker as a child. "I'm sorry, but I can't."

"N-no! I can't! Now get out of my room!"

Tears hit the brunette's face. "Please...Not again..." Berserker whimpered. "Don't do this to me again!" It was then Ichigen saw the Servant is just a girl sporting a broken heart. Anchin should've been upfront about his rejection of her instead of lying. It might have prevented her from going to such an extreme.

The King proceeded to pull the 14-year-old into a tight embrace. "It's alright. I may not feel the same way you do about me but I won't just abandon you." He didn't even realize she had materialized her blue kimono and white stockings.

It was strange, but her Master's words seemed to melt away her anger, something she never thought possible.

"Please make me a promise." Berserker said as she pulled back and extended her pinky to the King. "Promise to at least stay by my side until the War's end."

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