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CHAPTER FOUR ╚══════════════╝

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IT WAS NIGHT time and Noelle was finishing up her novel, she already knew the ending because she had read it a thousand times because it was one of her favorites. She was turning a page when suddenly her stomach rumbled loudly, she folded the corner of her page and climbed out of her bed.

Time to go raid the mess hall and find something to snack on.

She walked out of her cabin and headed to the building. She quietly crept into the room and when she thought the coast was clear she closed the doors and headed to the kitchen. She walked to the back closet where they kept the snacks and looked around once she pulled the chain that turned the bulb on above her.

She found a package of chocolate pudding and she grabbed two of them and snatched some plastic spoons from the boxes in the room. Then she headed out of the kitchen satisfied with what she found, when she walked outside she thought about what Ziggy said at dinner.

To meet her at her cabin, fuck. Guess she better go do that now.

She made her way to fiery red haired girl's cabin and she knocked on the door, "Go away, Cindy!" She shouted.

Well, her sister definitely pissed her off.

"Uh, Ziggy it's Noelle. Remember at dinner you told me to come to your cabin?"

"Oh, it's open!" Ziggy shouted. So she balanced the pudding cups in her hand and pulled the handle before walking in. Ziggy looked up and grinned, "Noelle, hi. I was wondering where you were."

"Sorry, I was reading and lost track of time. Then I got hungry and yeah..." She glanced at the extra pudding cup in her hand, "I got you one, incase you were hungry."

Ziggy smiled and took it from her along with the spoon, "I'm starving, thank you."

"You're welcome." She replied softly. "So um, what did you need me to help you with?" She noticed Ziggy sitting on her bed with a can of red paint on the floor between her feet.

"You really haven't noticed yet?" Ziggy asked her as she opened the pudding cup.

Her brows furrowed in confusion, "Noticed what?"

Ziggy sighs, "Look at the wall."

Noelle looked up and saw the horrible things written all over the room, they were all words either calling Ziggy a monster or a witch.

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