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CHAPTER FIVE ╚══════════════╝

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TO SAY THIS PLAN was horrible was an understatement, but it would definitely make Sheila so afraid of Ziggy that she wouldn't mess with her for the remainder of their time of the camp. It took the red can of paint that Ziggy had already opened in her room, a bucket from the kitchen aswell as 3 bottles of maple syrup they mixed into the paint. And then, there was her favorite part of it all.

One of the snakes from the science and nature cabin classroom.

First she had to make up an excuse to her brother Nick about needing the keys though, as she was walking to her brother's cabin she reached a hand out to hold her necklace. It was a locket that her mother gave her on her 17th birthday.

She quickly undid the clasp and stuffed it in her pocket, she had a plan.

She walked to her brothers door and took a deep breath before pounding loudly on the wood. "Nick!" She shouted in a desperate tone, "Nick, I need your help!"

Within seconds she heard fast feet and the door opened revealing her older brother with raised concerned eyebrows. "Ellie, what's wrong?"

She holds a hand over her throat, "You know my necklace, the one that mom gave me?" He nods, "It's gone!"

"Hey, calm down." He walked out, "What do you mean? Where did you last see it?"

"I last had it in the science and nature room today, is there any way that you can get me the keys so I can go and check?"

Nick purses his lips, "I don't know, Ellie. I could get in trouble for this."

Okay, time to step up your game, Noelle.

"Nick, please!" She begged him, "You know how much that necklace means to me, I hardly ever see mom and that necklace is all I have of hers."

Nick's exterior started to crack, she could see it. And just like she wanted he gave in with a heavy sigh, "Fine." He checked his pockets and pulled them out, "The key is this one, I need these back though, Ellie." He hands her the keys, "I mean it."

She nods quickly, "Thanks so much, Nick. You're the best, I promise I'll bring them back." Then she runs off and heads to the cabin where Ziggy is waiting. When she gets there the red haired girl comes from out of the shadows and drops her crossed arms.

"I slipped the note under Sheila's door about Will wanting to meet her in the stalls." She said, "So, did you get them?"

Noelle smirked as she held up the key in her grip, "Yep. He's such a sucker." Ziggy chuckles behind her as she walks over to the door and sticks the key inside, she turns it and then she pulls the handle opening the door. She turns to Ziggy with a grin, "Ready?"

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