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CHAPTER EIGHT ╚══════════════╝

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NOELLE HOLDS ONTO Ziggy as the door creaks open, the both of them look through the snake tank watching as they hold their breath. When they hear the door creak and see Tommy they both drop to the floor so they wont be seen.

Ziggy grips her hand and their fingers intertwine as they cup their free hands over their mouths so their breathing is unheard. She listens closely as Tommy creeps into the rooms, the sound of his axe scraping against the floor.

Suddenly Ziggy points where he's standing and Noelle nods as they scurry under the other side of the table behind where Tommy once walked past. Hopefully he would think nobody was in the room and leave if it works.

But unfortunately, it doesn't seem likely considering he smashes the axe into one of the tanks. Noelle covers her mouth with her hand as tears spring to her eyes, Ziggy looks over at her and she frowns before pulling her head towards her shoulder.

"It's okay." She whispers, "We're gonna be okay."

Then suddenly Noelle hears hissing, she looks over and sees the snake coming towards them. She pulls her head up from Ziggy's shoulder and sees the panic in her eyes, she grab's Ziggy's face and gazes into her ocean blues.

"You're fine." She mouths as the snake slithers up Ziggy's leg, "You're okay." She mouths to her as she strokes her freckled cheek. The snakes make's it's way into her lap, but it seems like the snake was just a distraction, because suddenly Ziggy is pulled by her scalp and screaming.

"Ziggy!" Noelle shoots up from the ground, she watches as Tommy drags her across the table by her hair as she screams. She's gotta think quick, she looks around and grabs one of the stools and runs behind Tommy. She doesn't know if this will work but she has to try something.

And so, she smashes the chair against Tommy's head with all of her strength, he ends up dropping Ziggy and she falls to the ground with a grunt. Then she sees his axe on the ground and drops the stool and picks it up, before he turns around she whacks him in the back and he falls to the ground.

Ziggy is on her knees, "Hit him again!"

And so, Noelle does. She swings the axe again and again, his blood splattering all over her but she just keeps hitting him over and over again until she's sure he's dead. She's panting heavily and she's covered in blood but she drops the axe and grabs Ziggy, "Come on, let's go."

The two to of them rush out of the classroom leaving a dead Tommy on the ground bleeding out, Noelle kind of wants to throw up but she knows there's no time for that. The two of them bolt through the woods and they find themselves standing at the entrance of the camp.

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