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CHAPTER SEVEN ╚══════════════╝

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NOELLE WALKS INTO the mess hall with Ziggy close by her side, she could sense the nervous and panicked energy in the air as they enter the room. She sees her brother Nick and she goes over to him, but she and Ziggy halt suddenly when the lights go off and all of the kids begin to scream.

"What is happening?" Ziggy asked in fear as she clutched her hand tight.

Noelle frowns, "I have no idea."

"Stay calm!" Nick shouts over the screams, "Everything's alright!"

"How many?" Gary asked

"Twenty three." Nick says to him.

"There's atleast 30 missing at least." Gary replies.

She instantly runs over to her brother who's by the phone, "Nick, what the hell is going on here?" Thankfully, as he hangs up the phone the lights come back on.

"I don't know, Ellie." He responds with fear in his eyes, "I think there's a killer roaming the camp and we need to make sure that everyone is in here and safe because I can't call for help since the phone is dead."

Her eyes widen in horror, "A k--killer?"

"As in murdering people?" Ziggy questioned incredulously.

Nick nods, "Please stay here, you both cannot go back out there."

"We have to go. We have to warn people." Ziggy suggests.

"I'm sure they heard the bell." Nick says grabbing Ziggy. "Hey!"

"My sister, she's still out there!" Ziggy exclaims.

"Nick, let her go!" Noelle shouts as she pulls at the back of his shirt, "We have to go find Cindy!"

"What? The sister that she's always fighting with?" He says with a scoff coming from his lips.

"Asshole!" Ziggy shouts struggling in his grip.

Noelle frowns angrily, "That's not funny, Nick!"

"You're right, I'm sorry." He lets Ziggy go, "Me and Gary will go and look for Cindy, okay? You both just stay here. Please." He walks over and cups Noelle's face, "Please, Ellie. I can't let anything happen to you."

Noelle slaps his hands off, "Go find Cindy, go!" Nick nods and he and Gary get supplies to leave.

"Hey, everybody!" Gary shouts as he leaves with Nick, "Stay here! OK? OK." And then he heads out the mess hall doors.

Noelle turns to Ziggy, "Are you okay?" She grabs her shoulders gently.

Ziggy nods slowly, "I just hope they find her."

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