Hey there!

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Kom at your service!

Thank you a bunch for choosing this book to read. It means a lot to me.

It's a free and safe space for everyone and I would like it to remain just like that. Spread love instead of hate, be positive.

I will respect all of your opinions, that's a promise, as long as they don't disrespect anybody else's existence.

These scenarios have no relation with the actual world, it's just a figment of my imagination. Nothing but Bangtan, has any relation with anyone outside the story. Even then, they don't exactly portray their real life counterparts. This is purely a work of fiction and is not meant to offend anyone or their values and beliefs.

I respect Bangtan as much as I love them and their songs. If ever in future they express their dissent to be a part of fanfictions and portrayed as someone who is not quite their actual self, I will gladly and without any hesitation, take my book off of this platform.

The plot of the book was taken in from a random prompt on Pinterest, I don't remember it exactly but it was something along the lines of you finding a lone sketchbook somewhere filled with sketches of you. And yep, I was hooketh, which brings us here. 

It contains really small chapters, that's that. It might turn out to be longer once in a while. It has the slightest bit of angst, some crack and lots and lots of fluff.

To access the Spotify playlist for Dalnim, please refer to the external link.

Do not copy this work. Plagiarism is an offence, of course, but more than that it just portrays how incapable you are of producing something on your own. And hence resort to copying. I suggest you to take a chance at something that you will be proud to call your own. Trust me, it will turn out better than you actually expect it to be.

Feel free to message me, I am always there to listen. Going through bad times? Wanna share something exciting that happened? Got no one to open up to? Not catching up with the storyline? I am here. And whatever you say, will go with me to my grave.

If you liked the story or the chapter, feel free to comment and press that little star. To ghost readers, your silent support means a lot too.

Wishing you a good read,

DalnimWhere stories live. Discover now