"my sweet.."

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Housewife George as I promised :D

George POV;

I heard the front door open and I peek out of the kitchen to the front door.

I saw my husband entering the house, smiling. I put down the pan and hugged him tightly.

"Hi love.." I cooed. "Hi my love..~" He says, kissing my forehead. I smile "How was work?" I ask curiously.

"It was fine.." He says wrapping his arms around my waist. I smile and pecks his cheek. "Thats good.. anything intresting that happened?.." I say, looking at him lovingly. He shakes his head and kisses my lips repeatedly. I giggle and start walking to the kitchen.

3rd person;

Dream rests his head on George's shoulder as he cook. "Baby, can you hand me the whisk?.." the older said calmly. The younger nodded and handed his husband the whisk. The brunette smiled at the blonde lovingly.

He could fall in love with him over and over again each day.

The blonde whispered praises and "i love you's" to the brunette as he cooked. Dream placed small, soft, loving kisses on the olders neck and kept whispering "i love you's". The brunette slightly shivered at the touch but smiled softly as he mixed up the eggs. The blonde continued to kiss the older's neck softly, biting it softly.

The brunette blushed lightly as he puts the whisked eggs in the pan and turned up the heat.
The older turns around and pecks the blondes lips softly.

"I love you, my sweet.."

word count: 246


Housewife george supremacy<33 also! There probably will be top!george chaps in the future if I feel comfortable writting itt!

Rest/sleep well, eat or drink smth rn please! Thank you, love you all!!

  ~yours truly kiyami

dnf oneshots  | discontinued 25/04/22Where stories live. Discover now