Chapter 10: Confession Pt 2

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(Day 15) 

"What do you mean you had a marriage?" Lily asked as she stared at me with so many questions flodding her eyes. 

I smiled and looked down at my lap. "I was married a few years later when I had left the pack." 

"I still don't get it..." Lily said as she bit her lip. I laughed a bit and patted her hand. "Well let me tell you the whole story first so you can understand." She nodded her head and made the zipper motion over her lips. 

"When I left the pack, I started a new life basically. I finished school and went to university. Got my degree and I was set for the perfect job. I bought a house. A really lovely house that had flowers around the sides of it. There was a tiny pond in the front of the house that had my koi fishes in there. 

Everything was perfect for a few years. It was the time of month when I had to go get some daily health check ups because... I am human you know so my immune system isn't strong like a werewolf." I teased her, and she laughed before nodding her head, encouraging me to go on. 

"Everything was... fine. So as I was heading out of the office and into the hallway, I bumped into him." A smile slowly spread across my lips as I recalled that memory.  "He's absolutely handsome. He had brown hair, you know the type of hair that makes you want to run your fingers through. His beautiful eyes that can make you get lost in them in a snap of fingers. And those lips aha... Those lips that with one single movement it can make your heart stop. 

"He made me feel all of those feelings. The feelings that I thought I had lost when Xavier... but he brought that out of me. It was strange because I did not know him. We were strangers at that moment. I thought you know, I would not see him ever again, but the more that I visited the hopsital the more we kept on bumping into each other. That sparked us to speak well for him that is. I was scared still of the thought that Xavier and Jayden might try to find me and drag me back by my hair to the pack. But when he talked to me, he magically wiped that thought away. He made me feel safe for the very first time in my life. 

"He was really strange. A strange boy he was. But that was something unique about him. The more we talked in the hospital, through texts or phone calls. The more my heart started falling for him. I fell for him so hard that I could tell him everything..." 

"Tell him everything?" Lily said softly. I looked at her and nodded my head. 

"Yes everything. I told him about werewolfs. I first thought that he would think that I was crazy for saying all of that but instead, he took my hand and held it. Looking at me straight in the eyes and saying that he believes me. It broke me down to be honest. I was bawling my eyes out that I finally got the courage to say something about my past. You see the very first week, he told me about his family and lifestyle. But I couldn't share anything because of the oath that we were under when in a pack. But it came to me that I was no longer a pack member so I could say anything with my own free will. 

"Because of the amount of trust I held to him, I told him about the suffering I had to go through and he was angry. He wanted to go find the pack but I didn't let him. Because I knew that if I allowed him to do that, he would not return. A few weeks later after my confession, he suddenly told me some news that made my heart break. 

"He had cancer and there was no way for the doctors to save him. That he chose to live his life until the timer dings. He told me that.... that I brought him out of his darkness, that I was a beacon for him and it was my choice if I wanted anything to do with him. Do you know how much that hurt when he thinks that I didn't want anything to do with him?? It hurts like hell. It felt like my heart was being ripped apart again. I told him that I would never leave his side. That I fell in too deep already and that there was no way of me getting out of it. And it made me happy to see him brighten up again. 

"We ended up dating for a year before he popped the question. Our first year of marriage was a tough one, but we got through it.... he was able to live past the doctors expectations to  three years. I thought that he would be able to go for four years, but I turned out wrong when he endded up passing away on his birthday. He was my everything... I loved him so much and yet God did not let him stay with me for a bit, he had to take my one and only away from me." I said as the tears flowed down my face. I felt Lily pull me into her embrace as she also shared her sadness and tears with mine. 

"I'm so sorry honey.... you deserve a happy life but you get sad and hurtful ones. That is not fair." She whispered to me as she patted my hair. 

And what she said was true... Why couldn't I ever get a happy life? Why do I always get the end of a broken stick? 


"Thank you for telling me about your past." Lily said as we three all stood in front of our cars. I shook my head and touched both of her hands. " We are sisters. So you need to know my past..." She smiled at me and nodded her head. 

"Sorry for interuppting but we have to go it's getting pretty gloomy right now." Loanne said. I smiled and nodded my head. Turning around, I hugged Lily and whispered goodbye before turning around towards Loanne. 

"Wait! Promise what was his name?" Lily ran to me and asked. I turned around and looked at her before answering softly. 

"Issac. His name is Issac." 


"I don't get why I can't ride my won car?" I said as we both walked. Loanne laughed and looked at me. "Safer besides, I hooked your car to my truck pretty good so its fine." I rolled my eyes and muttered sure to which she heard. 

"Hey, I'm a mechanic! So I know how to prooper secure a car to a truck!" I laughed and waved my hands. 

We both got into her truck and as soon as I got my seat belt on, I looked out of the window and saw Lily standing there with a forced smile on her beautiful face. Smiling back at her softly I waved the final goodbye and then off we were.


"You told her about Issac but not abut your illness?" Loanne said as soon as we crossed the pack's border. 

I looked outside, then at my lap before answering. "Of course... but I did leave hints. And hopefully she figures out before it is too late..." 

"What if it is too late?" Loanne countered back to me. I looked at her and smiled faintly. 

"Then it was fate from the very beginning." 

Loanne shook her head and sighed before she patted my head. "You must be drained from the story telling to the outburst of tears. So go to sleep and I will wake you up when we reach your place." 

I smiled at her and nodded my head. "Thank you Loanne. For being with me and dealing with my crazy antics." 

"Of course I will be there for you. Until the very end." Loanne whispered quietly as I slowly fell to sleep. 



I was still thinking about what Promise had told me. About her marriage. It made me sad and happy at the same time. Happy because she moved on and met a great guy that Xavier couldn't be for her, and sad at the same time that she was not granted the time to be with her husband for a long time... That signle thought made a signle tear fall out of my eye as I stood in the room that once inhabitated her. 

But the one thing that didn't make sense to me was why she said that she kept on visiting the hopsital if everything was fine for her... Was she visiting a friend in there? Probably. I sighed and stood up from sitting on the bed. 

"Now I have to find a way to tell them that they left to go back to their lives..." I muttered as walked out of the room and closed it shut. All I hope was that there will not be any anger aimed at me, oh who was I kidding? There is a high chance that Xavier was going to be angry at me.. but you know what? He can suck it!! 

With that, I walked down the hallway and stairs with my head held high as if I had a large stick in my rectum. 






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