Chapter 13: The Blind Side

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Hey guys,

I know I have not updated in such a long time, and let me tell you I have a valid reason! Graduation and exams are coming up. So I have been putting all of my focus on my studies to insure myself that I will be on the grad list as well as try my best to keep my marks up so I won't come out below a 50 in my diploma exam. I hope you all are not angry at me but school comes first before this.

Also I made a new story and I wanted to tell you guys about it. it is called The Last Goodbye. 

It's not about the supernatural this time it about just humans. I wanted to try something new because all of my stories are based on werewolves.

I'm not saying that I am now bored of the werewolf genre. I will never be. But I just wanted to see if I can do a good job writing  a story on a different genre. So The Last Goodbye will have one chapter in it. I wanted to read from your guy's opinion's first whether it was good and that I should continue it or I should just change it into another story  on werewolf. 

So It would mean a lot to me if you guys go check it out and comment on it as soon as I release it which won't be too far from now haha.

Thank you so much for your patience and I hope you enjoy this chapter! 



(Day 20) 

I knew that Promise was hiding something from me.  I can just see it. I mean sure she was going to hide a lot of things from me, I guess to not stress me out. But did I care if I was going to be stressed? Nope.... wait can stress kill me? 

If so... I was hoping that it would indeed kill me. So I can reunite with Issac; and if Promise ends up passing away early; we all will be together once again.



My eyes fluttered slowly, and I was greeted with a beam of sunlight shining across my face. I squinted and turned my head to avoid the deathly rays of the sun.

Groaning quietly, my eyes closed by itself, indicating to myself that I was really tired. Must be from the fact that I was worried about the pain.

Remembering the pain, my eyes shot open. Then it relaxed as I released that the pain will not come back... that was what I was hoping for.

Finally turning my head to look at my digital clock, I noticed that it was just around 9.

I woke up really early this time, I thought as I kept my eyes locked on the number. I knew that since I woke up this early, I should just get ready for the day and start cleaning up the house. Hopefully when I am cleaning up the house, I will not wake up Loanne. God knows she needs sleep or else she will be like a demon.


I was downstairs, cleaning up the kitchen while listening to the radio that was super quiet. I couldn't help but pick up from the radio that there has been some strange attacks happening to the hikers. My thoughts could not help but wonder... could it be a supernatural creature doing it. But mostly, could it be...

I shook my head to wipe away those thought. Yes they do get angry and upset whenever a human enters their territory but they would not harm them... right?

Oh how can I know. Things must have changed over these years. But that was not their way of doing things. The more that I thought about it, the more that it frustrated me, because one I am not one of them, and secondly I have nothing to do with them anymore.

Walking over to the radio, I shut it off. I did not want to hear anymore of those things. I wanted some peace and quiet.... right?

My ears picked up on the footsteps coming from the room Loanne is staying in, and i knew that she was finally awake. I smiled and knew that when she is down here, she would either be pissed, tired, or happy.

Deciding to be careful this time with her bipolar emotions, I went and started to make her favorite breakfast. Surely this will calm whatever mood she has.


"That was really yummy! Thank you boo!" Shouted Loanne as she leaned back in her seat. I laughed and smiled at her.

"You're very welcome dear." I said as I stood up and picked her plate. Carrying it towards the sink so i could wash it.

"No let me do it. You must be tired." Loanne said as she suddenly stood up and went towards me. Lightly bumping me with her hip, she took over and began to wash.

I smiled and nodded my head. "Well i didn't even give you a straight answer and you already took over. So thank you and yes... I am very tired." I said ending it with a yawn.

Walking over towards the stools that are placed under the island. I sat down and rested my head over my hands and watched Loanne clean up her dishes. I smiled and knew that for sure, Loanne was going to be the very one that I will miss. Out of all the friends, that I have made over the past few years and just recently. I knew that Loanne will be lonely and that hurts me deeply. The more that I thought of it, the more that I am sad.

Then a sharp pain came out of nowhere right on top of my left temple. I g=didn't gasp out in pain, instead I just clenched my eyes and hands. I knew that the pain would end up going away, but it didn't. Instead the pain magnified as if it was like fire. A fire that was spreading. I couldn't keep quiet anymore, so I gasped and cried out.

I heard a clatter of a dish falling down, and then felt Loanne's hands go over my shoulders. Lightly shaking me.

I tried to open my eyes and I kind of succeeded though my vision was not clear at all. it was blurry and would change to black before changing into blurriness.

I could see Loanne's lip move but I couldn't hear what she was trying to say. Everything was muffled, all i could hear was my frantic heartbeat.

The pain was too much for me to bear, and so knowing that my body decided that it would be best to shut down. And so it did.

I sinked to the dark bottom.






This repeated beeping sound was getting quite annoying. Trying to move my head, so I can hit it to shut up, but i couldn't. My hands were not responding to me as that was what i was thinking, but no it was responding. It was just because I was feeling quite weak that i couldn't lift my arm high enough.

But it came to me that I must be in the hospital because of the smell and of course that annoying beeping sound. That was when the flashback from the spreading of the pain to Loanne shouting but nothing came out.

I opened my eyes and was greeted by darkness. It must still be night, I thought so I turned my head and noticed that if it was still night, would I not be able to see the light from the monitor. I began to freak out and I could hear the machine beeping faster then there was footsteps running towards my room. 

I finally found the strength to lift my arms, and so I did. Touching my eyes i felt that there was nothing covering them. That my eyes were wide open. 

I was panting and whimpering as I knew something was wrong. 

I felt hands go around my shoulders and the familiar scent enveloped me. "Lo-Loanne." I whispered. 

"Oh god, Promise. You're finally awake! I was so scared for a second there- What's wrong Promise?" Loanne asked me.

"I can't see Loanne. I can't fucking see!" I shouted.

My life just keeps getting better and better don't you all agree?


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