Chapter 18: Headaches and Pains

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"Awe I thought you were going to rap a bit" Loanne joked. I jumped up in shock before laughing as I place my hand over my racing heart.

"I wish I could but if I did rap for once, it will all just be mumbled like how Iggy Azalea raps." I joked

Loanne laughed as she came over to me. "Oh yes, I can imagine that and how is she still famous? Like she can't even rap for life.." Loanne said and we both ended up falling into fits of laughter.

Tonight was the best of them, and it will be forever in my heart...



(Day 40)

Everything hurt. My bones, muscles and head was pounding away as if I got into a huge car accident. It was incredibly hot as well, I was sweating bullets as I lay in my bed. I could feel my lungs trying their best to not fail. I was panting. Panting really hard. I opened my mouth to call Loanne but I couldn't do it. Nothing came out and before I knew it the dizziness came and dragged me to the darkness, keeping me trapped in its hands. 

I was floating... yes floating. I felt really lightweight which was unusual. Was I dreaming? I don't know. It felt all too real, but then maybe I am dreaming. I can still feel the heat. It was burning me. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. The heat is killing me... someone please help me. Then as if someone had heard my plea, something wet and cold killed the heat though I can still feel that it was still there. I sighed in contentment as the coldness cooled me down partially. 


"Loanne?" I whispered as soon as I woke up. I heard shuffling before my bed dipped on one side. A cold refreshing hand grabbed onto mine and I once again sighed as the cold feeling cooled me down. 

"H-hey Promise... I'm here." She whispered. 

"What's happened..." I asked as I re-closed my eyes.

"You had a huge fever dear... I thought that I was too late..." She whispered slowly. 

I reopened my eyes and remembered the heat. So that's why I felt like I was suffocating. I thought to myself. 

"Where am I?" I said weakly, I can already feel the darkness slither around me, trying to pull me back to its arms. 

"You're still at home. The doctor will be here shortly so just wait okay..." She told me. 

I smiled but I know that it looked like I was frowning. "I'll try... I just want to sleep... again." I wandered off. 

I can visualize the darkness smirk, as it knows that it has won this battle. I lost, and in return it wants me... 

"No you can't sleep yet! The doctor has to check you." Loanne said. I knew why she was saying that, it was obvious that she was scared. Scared of what might come if I go back to sleep. I can't help myself though... the darkness won this battle Loanne. I need to sleep. I wanted to say that to her but I couldn't find myself too... 

"Okay... but can you sing for me? It's been a long time since I heard you sing..." I asked her. I can tell that she was a bit not for it. 

"Fine... What song do you want me to sing for you?" She asked as she got closer to me. 

I smiled before saying, " Sing Together by Brandon and Leah..." 

"Okay I will..." I heard her stand up, knowing that she was going to grab her guitar. After a couple of minutes she came back and sat back down. I can hear her take a deep breath before she began to sing. 

"Don't look down
Coz' you know that I'll hold you matter
This is love in the tiniest universe
And don't forget that you are the one"

My mind flashes back to when everything was perfectly normal. No sickness plagued us. We were perfectly healthy and happy.  

"That makes me feel coz' you
Are the one
Every time you fall I fall
Every time you cry I cry
Every time you smile I smile...with you"

I smiled when the memory of Loanne and I playing a prank on Isaac causing the both of us to get into so much trouble.  And we had to be his personal slaves until he lets us off. 

"This is us in a moment of who we are...together
If we're lost in the tiniest universe
Don't forget that I am the one that makes you feel
Coz' you are the one

Everytime you fall I fall
Everytime you cry I cry
Everytime you smile I smile
With you

Everytime we try we try
Even if we fail we fail together
However great or small we are.. together

Then my memory switched it up to when we all promised to have each others back and to be the rock for whatever happens to us. It brought tears to me because Loanne always ended up being the rock, the support for us. I never had a chance to be hers and for that I am sad. 

"Nothing I won't do to be close to you always
I know you feel it too deep inside of you

Everytime you fall I fall
Everytime you cry I cry
Everytime you smile I smile
With you

Everytime we try we try
Even if we fail we fail together
However great of small we are

I closed my eyes and allowed the darkness to take me, with a smile on my face. 

I was ready to go.

The very last thing I heard was the sound of the guitar hitting the floor and then.... I was gone. 









Is this the end?

Don't know guess you have to wait until the next update!!! 



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