Monster chapter 2

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This space was now my new home, they guided me through it like a tour. Over to your right you'll see empty prison cells secured with unbreakable metal bars so no one can escape their torture. Over to your left you can see empty prison cells with unbreakable metal bars and over there you can see empty prison cells secured with unbreakable bars. I kept on going through the seemingly endless halls every so often re-thinking my decision and trying to escape but they had me in chains and treated me like an animal, any wrong movement and you would be chocked. They came to a halt and dragged me to an empty cage, I could finally see other humans trapped in their cages, shouting and screaming for them to let them out. "This is your cage, lock 237"

"Get in there you beast"

"They made it especially for you so you better be great-full"

They forcefully shoved my giant body into a small cramped bedroom and locked the door tight, I could see their evil grins as they walked away celebrating their victory one of them saying that the snowman will be pleased. Indestructible stone surrounded me, nothing but me and the beeping machine beside me. I sat down and looked at my paws hoping that one day they'll go back to human hands and when they do it'll show them that I'm innocent.

I waited as the sound of innocent screaming victims grew larger, the cages slowly being filled up around me through the weeks. My muscles were stiff from sitting dormant on the ground for so long, I thought they had forgotten about me. I couldn't count what day it was but a man came up to the bars, he was covering his face but he had a long grey beard that came flowing from out of the white hood, the hood flowed down to the bottom of his feet, a deep voice emerged...

"So your the werewolf I've been hearing so much about on the news" they said laughing

There was a long pause "No, I'm a-" I stuttered

"Nobody cares, the fact is that we need you" they snarled, "we need to get you stronger, powerful, enough to conquer a world, come with me and I'll make you the beast you never thought you were"

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