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Jungkook POV
I turned back and saw him.
I crawled in the opposite direction to get away.
'No.....this can't held a funeral.....are you a ghost?' I asked.
My eyes started watering.
He started walking towards me.
'No! Don't come close! Who's this? Jim.....hyung....died...'
'Jungkook-ah.....', he called my name.
That's when I went silent. I couldn't believe this.
He came closer, but I didn't stop him.
I was too busy zoning out.
I felt a hand on me and saw him looking at me.
Before I could say anything or scream,
I felt him on me.
He....he hugged me.
''s okay....I didn't die. They saved me before I could. It's okay can stop feeling guilty now. It's not your fault...'
I slowly brought my hands to hug him and started crying.
He's....he's safe....I.....Ji hye can breathe now....he's alive.
I don't remember how long I cried while apologising for everything, but he held me till I was done.
Finally, I had enough energy to pull back and look at his face clearly.
His eyes seemed teary too.
'I'm so sorry....I never meant to hurt you....I know I've acted like a bitch... god I hate myself for that and for what happened that day, you can kill me if you want.....but I had no other choice.....'
'Shhhhh...' he shushed me.
'Thanks for saving my sister....', he said.
I held his hand.
'I'll go through any punishment you want me too...any....'
'Yes hyung!' I yelled immediately bracing myself for that's about to come.
'I know it's gonna be hard but forget what happened....'
'What?' That was not what I was expecting.
'Let's forget everything and start again Jungkook-ah.....let's make things right again.'
'How can you forgive me after what I've done to you?'
'Because I've done worse things dad shouldn't have taken your house. If I was in your position, I would've ended up doing worse things. I was so absorbed in my revenge, in my problems and in my feelings, that I never realised how much pain your little smile and goofy character could hide. I'm so sorry....I should've been a better hyung. I should've know you were in pain. I know the story of my death affected you as well....I'm sorry for that...'
A few tears slipped again.
I took a deep breath and hugged him back.
'Let's start again....hyung.....'
He hugged me back tightly.

Bo gum POV
Listening to their conversation I realised.
Nobody in this room hasn't suffered.
Watching him break I knew,
We're such a sad bunch of people who find solace in a hug.
He looked at me and his expression changed.
I was about to walk out, when he crawled to me and said,
'Listen.....' he said and held my hand.
'I'm sorry....I'm so sorry....for everything I've done with you and So fact, I want to apologise to everyone present here....I didn't mean to hurt you....But I can't deny the fact that I did.....'
Before he could say anything, I rubbed his hands.
'I'm sorry we misunderstood you as's not like we didn't hurt you. In this business, it's hard not to hurt people.'
He nodded his head and looked at others.
Everyone gave him little smiles and he looked like he could finally breathe.
That's when it struck me, he's barely 19.....he's not a bad person....the world just broke him a little too much.....

'Jimin? Why are you mentioning him right now? Didn't he die because of an accident? What does he have to do with our share price?'
'Ohhh ummm....' Before he could continue, his secretary came in and called him out urgently.
'I have to go...', he said and started rushing but I blocked the door.
'Min Yoongi answer me!' I screamed.
''s nothing....when Jimin....met with an accident, their share price reduced since the heir had died and the company was busy handling the we crossed them....' He said.
'Now let me go!' He said and pushed me to the side.
Why don't I believe him though.
What he said was was facts...
But why does it feel like it wasn't the answer to my question?
I have to find out.
I took my phone out, and called her....
'Cheonsa....can you meet me for sometime?'

Jungkook POV
Now that I could finally breathe, we were sitting in the living room.
It felt so nice to work with him.
Everyone was discussing various deals and plans.
Finally I could be a part of his team without any guilt. But what about Mingyu?
'Hyung....', I interrupted.
'Yes?' Jimin and Joong ki hyung said.
Bo gum was looking at me too.
Lol. All of them are older than me.
'What do you plan on doing though? With Mingyu...'
He looked at me for a minute trying to understand exactly what I was talking about.
'Will you kill....', before I could complete my sentence, he interrupted me.
'No! There won't be any killing any more. We want the position Jungkook-ah....and we'll get that...'
'That's it?' I asked.
'For now...'
'But that won't stop you from being rivals hyung. And till that doesn't stop, how can everyone be at peace?'
'We haven't thought about that yet Jungkook-ah....but no matter what, we aren't going to shed any blood anymore.....we'll make a deal with them instead.' Joong ki hyung said.
'What kind of deal?'
'Something that they'll have to accept. What that deal is....we don't know yet. But we'll give them something they can't refuse.'
I nodded and smiled.
'It's nice to know....we won't be hurting people anymore....'
Jimin hyung nodded back at me.

Looks like finally I gave ya'll a happy chapter 😂😅
And for today, imma give you one more thing!

Looks like finally I gave ya'll a happy chapter 😂😅And for today, imma give you one more thing!

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They're so precious....aren't they?!

Ayooo dear readers!
I'm posting this here!
I'm so sorry I won't be able to update's been kinda busy....
But thank you for reading and bearing with me! 💜💜💜💜

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