a vessel for your good intent

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Hey she said voice steady and unbothered. Mi lin had hand on her shoulder and she was beaming. "Are you going home?" She asked and it sounded like pouting. A fond smile pulled at her lips before she was able to smash it down. "I'm heading home." 

"You didn't wait for me," Mi Lin was actually pouting now but her eyes shining in laughter gave away her true feelings. For a second she was tempted to join in but she squashed the warm feelings down before she did. "I didn't know I supposed to," Viviiana answered stiffly. Mi Lin's  arm around her shoulder stiffened and sharp nails dug into her flesh. There was a flash of hurt in her eyes before crueler smile took its place. "I just want to tell you that we're getting boba tomorrow at twelve and I want you to be there." 


"It's at Boba Fett the place on Mad street. You'll be there." 

With that Mi lin walked away leaving a quiet numbness in her chest. Viviiana walked home slowly, watching the city as she went. People in San Francisco couldn't really be described in one word. All of them had stories and lives that no one knew about and that fact made her almost feel at home. 

"Gigi," Viviiana called entering their little apartment, "I'm home." All that was left there was a note. Dear Alice, it read, I will be home rate tonight. If i am not home by nine pm I will call. - Grandmother

Later that night...

If you wanna count on one hand certain tees in her life. She cannot cook. She tried once and that was enough. Two Gigi was the most paranoid person in the entire world and that included ahead and Secret Service. Okay three box mac & cheese was the best thing ever. It cured everything. In fact she would go as far as to say that box mac & cheese was her Lord and Savior. Everything else is up in the air. Always has been. Even Gigi love was up in the air. 

That wasn't right She frowned. Did you did the best she could and Viviana should be grateful. If it weren't for Gigi I thought would've killed her. Just like it did her mother. Just like they did to every good person in the world. Gigi kept her safe from all of that therefore Gigi must love her most then anything else in the world or she would never of done anything up at all.

Distractedly she put the pot on the stove and started the TV. Some space documentary played in the background while she waited for the water to boil. Water boiling was the only thing that she never failed in the kitchen. No one ever taught her how to cook or anything so it makes sense that she failed cooking. Even if Gigi didn't like that she failed. The boil the water started Viviiana  in to motion. She dumped the noodles into the strainer and wondered when if Gigi would make something homemade again soon. Viviiana missed homage food and switched the channel to an old Disney show. 

Sometimes when she watched Disney families tugged at something deep in her chest. Disney families held each other and cooked for each other and stayed in one house together. The children have friends and crazy stories in secret handshake and stable lives. She's never had any of that (Gigi said she didn't need any of that).

Viviiana only had a crumbling apartment an old blanket her mother apparently made, and a sense of loneliness stronger than anything else. The timer went off and just like every other day she set that strainer and searched for a bowl. It was all she could do not to cry. So it's a mini active rebellion Viviana turned the channels until she found an old horror movie and eat her mac & cheese on the couch. 

Gigi hated horror movies and never let Viviiana watch them when she was home. But because Gigi was almost never home she got to watch almost anything she wanted. Her favorites were probably space documentaries and random kids TV shows she found.

The evening past slowly. Once he was finished eating Viviana got up to put her bowl in the sink. As she was walking back to the couch the wall phone rang. It was nine already? A glance of the microwave confirmed the time. It was most likely Gigi calling.


"Hello Alice. I was calling to tell you that I won't be home until late tonight." They were supposed to spend the day together tomorrow.

"Okay Gigi," She said forcing cheerfulness into her tone. "Will we be spending tomorrow together then?"Gigi sighed heavily over the phone, more bad news then. "I'll be working all weekend. And Alice," she chided, "don't use personal nicknames over the phone. We've been over this. When we are on the phone I am Grandmother and nothing else. Clear?" She knew that. She did but Viviiana hated calling Gigi that. It was a reminder of what they didn't have. Of who she had to play.

"Yes Grandmother," She answered, "Love you. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Alice. I love you too." Sometimes when they talked over the phone she doubted that. If Gigi loved her so much why was she always gone. Why did she always act so cold. 

"Well I guess I'm talking care of my self tonight." Viviiana said to the empty room. "Just like always." She muttered. With a quiet sigh Viviiana walked to her little room so she could try to get some sleep. 

Across the city and the mansion said two people in the bedroom. One of them was splayed on top of the other and both of them were very comfortable. " I met her today you know? The other tugged strands of dark hair and hummed in acknowledgment of listening. " She's quite odd." The other nodded in agreement.

"Are you okay?" A shrug " what are we to do?" The other cracks a smile. "What we always do. Watch and wait. Wait and Watch."

"Right as always sister dear." 


Hello readers I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Fun fact Viviiana's emotions and mental space are based on we're i was mentally during the worst of Covid. There is a reference to a song in the title. Be the first to tell me and you get to name a character.

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