1-{The Friendship Rule🙃}

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Third Person's Pov

Ishan reached the S&S industries as he had a meeting fixed with them for the day, he got out of his car and walked inside the building as he was welcomed warmly and receptionist immediately told him the way to the meeting room.

Ishan walked upto the meeting room with his secretary behind him and as soon as he entered the meeting room, he was met with an unusually known face, as Shriya sat there working on her laptop. He stopped on his spot as he looked at her face and he just knew that he had seen her before.

She was the girl he had met in the club just a day ago, that innocent yet beautiful look, she looked so different in her office look yet so familiar from her clubbing look, Ishan was busy looking at her when finally Shriya looked up making him look away.

She immediately stood up as she walked upto him and gave out a small smile as she forwarded her hand towards him saying, "Hello, I'm Shriya Sharma! You just be from Elinor Associations"

"Yeah, I'm Ishan Kishan! It's nice to meet you" Ishan said coming out of his trance as she shook hands with her and Shriya smiled slightly guiding him and his secretary inside the meeting room.

Ishan couldn't keep his curiosity to himself anymore as he was eager to know if she even remembered him from that night so he ended up asking, "Do you think we've met somewhere before?"

"I... Don't think... So! I might have seen you and your partners in some of the business magazines maybe" Shriya said and Ishan nodded his head slowly as he understood that Shriya hadn't even looked at him properly that day, why would she even remember him, after that they both focused on the meeting and the deal to be made.

"Thank you so much for coming today Mr.Kishan, I hope this deal can really be our first but not the last!" Shriya said shaking hands with Ishan and he nodded his head getting up from the chair as he said, "The pleasure in mine, I'll talk to my partners and inform you further about this project"

"Ofcourse! We would love to work with you, and I'll talk with my partner too!" Shriya said and Ishan smiled slightly while nodding his head as he said, "I'll get going now Ms.Sharma! It was great seeing you and your company"

"I'm glad too!" Shriya said smiling as Ishan got up and left her cabin while she sighed in relief as she got up from her chair and walked to the other side to watch out of the window when she saw something lying on the ground near the table.

Shriya picked it up and it turned out to be a bracelet with heart inscripted on it! Ishan? She thought as he was the one who was sitting here, she kept looking at the bracelet as it looked really a precious and old one when someone entered her cabin and she immediately kept it in her pocket.

"Ahh I'm so tired!" Abhishek said coming in and almost lying on the couch and Shriya gave him a look as she said, "Really Abhay? It was just our first meeting for the day"

"And the last too, we don't have any other meetings today, how did yours went?" Abhishek said smiling cheekily and Shriya just shooked her head as she came and sat back on her chair opening her laptop, "Great! I really hope for this project to work between our companies, it's really a big one!"

"I think we'll get it, my hunch is never wrong" Abhishek said and Shriya giggled while saying, "Yeah yeah, I really wish it isn't wrong this time! Btw isn't Ishan Kishan really a professional businessman, he just talks to the point! I really like such people"

"Excuse me, you shouldn't just like anyone! Okay he's a great businessman but I'm no less okay" Abhishek said making a cute face and Shriya started laughing as she said, "Okay Mr.Sharma, now let me focus"

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