Prologue- A Late Hearthswarming Eve

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*on a nice Hearthswarming Eve at the Canterlot station, Rarity and Elusive are nervously waiting with Spike and Barbara for the train*

Rarity- *trotting in place nervously in a pale blue dress* *worriedly* Oh, I DO hope we make it to Manehatten in time...I hear Chiffon Ruffles will be making an appearance at this holiday fete, and she always shows off some delightfully fresh new look!

Elusive- *in a pale blue suit* *admits* I know, I'm so nervous I can barely sit still! *concerned* And leaving the Royal Hearthswarming Gala in Canterlot in such a hurry was...far from the ideal impression we'd hope to make...*worried* But there are just so many plans we want to honor tonight. *looks at Spike and Barbara sincerely* Thanks for accompanying us, you two.

Rarity- *nods with a smile* Friends at our sides calm our nerves...*smirks* and your new suit and dress are both tres chic indeed!

Spike- *blushes* Aww, thanks Rarity. *smiles* There's no need to be nervous!

Barbara- *admits to Rarity and Elusive* Those outfits have always looked nice on you two...

Rarity/Elusive- *worriedly* ALWAYS!

Elusive- *panicking* How many times have we worn these outfits! *serious* We can't show up to Manehatten party in old worn ensembles!

Rarity- *to Spike and Barbara worriedly* Wait here! We're going to make some last minute adjustments to our outfits!

*the two rush off leaving Spike and Barbara at the station*

Spike- *admits to Barbara* You gotta admire ponies dedicated to looking wonderful like Rarity and Elusive.

Barbara- *crosses arms and looks at him* Yeah...I just wish it didn't take a toll on themselves though...

Spike- *nods* Yeah...

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