Back in Canterlot

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*the eight arrive at the Canterlot Holiday party, but in the shadows on the upper floors*

Spike- *relieved* Trixie and Trixter's spell landed us back at the holiday party.

Barbara- *hopeful* You think we still have time for the fireworks, show.

Rarity (Nightmare)- *worried* Never mind THAT, Barb! We were SO CLOSE to making an unforgettable impression on Chiffon Ruffles!

Elusive- *worried* Did you SEE her candy cane-inspired ensemble? We have to go back!

Trixie- *glares* NO! The four of you have gotten me and Trixter in a lot of trouble tonight!

Trixter- *glares and admits* And it's frankly the other way around, so we're shocked!

Rarity (Nightmare)/Elusive (NightTerror)- *angrily* HOW DARE YOU TWO!

Trixie/Trixter- *ears flatten in fear*

Fluttershy (Nightmare)- *worried* Rarity, Elusive, calm down-

Elusive (NightTerror)- *glaring at Trixie and Trixter* All evening, you have by saying that Rarity and I are at fault for your mistakes. You two blame others for your shortcomings! And this is the result of a simple teleportation spell of all things, one of the most basic forms of unicorn magic. But you two had to borrow magic from a princess that was formally corrupted by dark magic, instead of just studying like other unicorns do.

Barbara- *worried* Elusive, take it down a notch-

Rarity (NIghtmare)- *glares* We didn't ask for your help with getting us to the party, in fact we started to reject your offer, but you two went ahead and did the spell anyway. *solemn* Here's a word of advice, stop blaming others for your shortcomings and take responsibility for your actions.

Spike- *concerned* You guys, that was out of line, yes they messed up but it was a little mistake-

Elusive (NightTerror)- *glares with tears in his eyes* You're not the ones having to remember the horrible things they did in this body. We hurt Luna and Artemis while looking like this, we tried to take over Ponyville while looking like this, we led the Nightmare Forces while looking like this, we nearly hurt you two with your dreams and nightmares, we locked our best friends in a dark prison on the moon!

Rarity (Nightmare)- *glares with tears in her eyes* Being in this form...remembering the horrible stuff that we did as Nightmare Rarity and NightTerror Elusive...just having those names mentioned to us in a feared tone by our friends no less *to Spike and Barbara* If you two were accidentally turned back into your gigantic dragon forms, how would you two feel...*looks at Trixie and Trixter* Or you two are just walking and you two see a fake Alicorn Amulet reminding you two of the bad things you did...

Spike/Barbara- *scales flatten*

Trixie/Trixter- *looks down sadly*

*the others are quiet*

Fluttershy (Nightmare)/Butterscotch (NightTerror)- *walks over and nuzzles them calmly*

Elusive (NightTerror)- *dries his eyes* *to Trixie and Trixter* We understand that you two didn't mean to do this and were just trying to help, but in the future to prevent something like this from happening again, do more research instead of just casting spells wildly.

Trixie/Trixter- *nods*

Butterscotch (NightTerror)- *concerned* So what's the plan?

Trixter- *to them* We have to find Princess Luna and Prince Artemis, since this is they're magic, they can-

*he's interrupted by two earth ponies with the height of alicorns that a darker shades of pink with ethereal curly and sparkly pink manes and tails, the two have cyan dragon eyes with pale blue scleras, and have metallic bronze armor consisting of helms, chestplates with a single dark cyan colored balloon, and hoof shoes, their cutie marks are balloons with sparkles around them and they also have fangs*

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