Nightmare Magic

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*in Poirot Pass the ponies arrive and see the avalanche blocking the railroad tracks*

*Pinkie, Bubble, Spike, Barbara, Trixie, Trixter, Rarity, Elusive are on the ground while Rainbow, Celestia, Luna, Solaris, Artemis, Blitz, Fluttershy, and Butterscotch are in the skies flying*

Pinkie (Nightmare)- *concerned* How are we supposed to move all of this without having more snow fall.

*the others think when two tall ponies walk over*

Voice- *masculine* Well, a'h thought we were the only ones who got turned into some sorta Nightmare Moon and NightTerror Nebula look a like.

*they look to see two tall dark orange earth ponies with a mixture of dark and light blonde ethereal manes and tails tied in ponytails, with black hair ties, the two have apple green dragon eyes with pale green scleras and have metallic brown armor with helms, chestplates with a dark green apple on them, and hoof shoes as well as a black stetson hat with metallic brown lining, their cutie marks are three dark green apples with dark green sparkles surrounding them*

AJ (NightTerror)- *concerned* Twilight and Dusk got a warning from the Mayor about the snow piling up and blocking the tracks so they teleported us out here, so that we can help out.

Applejack (Nightmare)- *concerned* We've been out here, working when all of sudden. *points to her body* This happened. *points to their section* We've been taking small sections so that we don't bring the rest of the snow down and make it worse.

*the others nod* 

Celestia- *concerned* Where's Twilight and Dusk now?

AJ (NightTerror)- *explains* They've been using their magic melt the snow sections into water and release it into the river.

Applejack- *points* Speaking of which, here they come now.

*everyone looks to see two silhouettes of two tall alicorns with glowing white eyes and ethereal manes and tails that are a mixture of light blue-magenta, light magenta, and lilac with stars in it*

*the two land and the two have dark blue-magenta fur, have sharp wings, their eyes are purple dragon eyes with pale purple scleras, and their armor is light metallic blue, with a helm, a chest plate with magenta six pointed stars in the center, and hoof shoes, their cutie marks have magenta six pointed stars with magenta and white smaller stars surrounding it*

Dusk (NightTerror)- *to Applejack and AJ* You guys got the next- *looks at the others* Oh...

Twilight (Nightmare)- *looks at the others* So we're not the only ones, then.

Spike/Barbara- *points* Trixie and Trixter used Centaur Magic to-

Dusk- *cuts them off* Not now, we gotta get the rest of the snow clear without, bringing down the rest of the snow, so that the train could pass.

Elusive- *serious* How can we help?

*a short time later the ponies and dragons come up with a system*

*Rainbow, Blitz, Fluttershy, and Butterscotch, Spike, and Barbara lightly take snow from the top and gives them to Rarity, Elusive, Trixie, Trixter, who separate them along with Applejack, AJ, Pinkie, and Bubble, who then have the alicorns use their magic to turn the snow into water and dump it in the river*

*about an hour later the snow is cleared*

Barbara- *relieved* That was a lot of hard work!

Spike- *smiles* But we did it!

Rarity (Nightmare)- *relieved* And I'll feel better once we're back to normal.

*the others nod in relief*

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