Ch. 2 | Repeat

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chapter two. REPEAT


Her joyful thoughts of having a more relaxing night filled her mind as she daydreamed of having a movie night with her sister. The living room was cold just like she and her sister wanted, as well as having some ice cream! Chocolate and Caramel Chaos would be fitting flavours. 

Just thinking of a movie night with her sister made her smile. School isn't hectic as she previously expected  It went smoothly, actually. But she couldn't seem to spend as much time with Anna, her sister, these days. Mainly because Elsa has some overtime work with the theatre club, doing costumes and art and stuff. While Anna would have her training and practices in the volleyball club.

Both sisters have their own doings in school, with different times on getting home or having different free time. But, they mostly get together on weekdays for family bonding. And thankfully, it's Friday, a day of pure bliss and heaven because it means, that classes would have to stop. A real blessing from the gods, if Elsa says so herself.

So, with a contented smile, she shoved everything in her locker before shutting it close. The other students buzzed past her and out the school doors, Elsa doing the same with a slight spring in her step. And her face immediately brightens up just at the sight of her younger sister at the front of the parking lot, waving at the blonde just as much— if not, more enthusiasm.

Anna couldn't contain her excitement as she jumped to give her older sister a bone-crushing hug, making the siblings laugh out loud. The students lingering in the parking lot stared at the duo before resuming back to their own business.

"Finally!" Anna yells out, gleeful and relieved. "You're here! What took you so long?" She asked the blonde who could only smile softly and relay everything that happened with her last period. Anna listened attentively, hopping inside the car as the young brunette started the car.

Halfway to the convenience store, a certain part of the blonde's mini storytelling did Anna grow intrigued. "Wait wait wait— you what? With who?"

"I got a message from someone. And. . . oh— were they mad." Elsa repeated with a sigh, remembering your message from earlier. She couldn't really forget it, and she thought that you'd leave her after that last message.

Elsa thought of at after two or three hours of not receiving any sort of message, which was good! She doesn't know how to deal with situations like that.

"Oh wow, can I see?" Anna asked as she hummed at the sight of the convenience store.

"Pull over. . . there— over there." Elsa pointed at the free spot, silently agreeing with Anna as she nods, parking to the only available spot in the convenience store as they got out. Anna fished of her wallet in her pockets, while Elsa got her phone, getting on messages and tapping your contact.

She looks at your messages for one split second before handing her phone to Anna who vigorously checks it out. Elsa just shakes her head with a small smile before going to the coldest section of the store, getting the specific ice cream she earlier thought of.

"Fuck!" A cry all too familiar was heard, making the blonde turn around with a scolding look.

"Anna!" Elsa yells at her sister, grabbing her chosen tubs of ice cream before reuniting with Anna. "What is wrong with you? You don't just yell that out loud!" She scolded but softly asked what made the brunette yell in the first place.

"Just look!"

With that, she shoved Elsa's own phone in front of her face as the blonde took a good look with. . . whatever Anna wanted to show. That was until her eyes landed on the very bottom where there was a much newer message, causing her to nearly pop her eyes out of its sockets with shock. Why now?! After hours— why only now did you send a message?!

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