Chapter 6: Chaos Power

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Christien was alone in the destroyed city, he had never seen anything like this before.

Christien: so much destruction, why? What's the damn point in destroying this planet?

BD: I thought you would be smart enough to realize.

Christien didn't have to turn around, he already knew who it was. Christien kept looking at the destruction.

Christien: realize what?

BD: you were my creation too, just like Shadow you weren't born, you were made.

Christien: stop.

BD: the third test subject, right behind that lizard and Shadow.

Christien: I said stop.

Christien clenched his fists trying to control the anger inside him. Black Doom smirked at this, knowing that he was getting to him.

BD: of coarse your so called family never told you that they found you in a frozen cyber genetic tube.

Christien's eyes turned a dark red, but he still tried to stop himself from falling into his trap.

BD: they lied to you, I think they all deserved to die while you watched!

Christien went into his dark mode and formed his ice sword, slashing at Black Doom. He summoned some black arms aliens to try and stop him but they weren't quick enough.

Christien: I've been reminded of that event one too many times.

Christien slashed through three of the aliens with one slash while back flipping over them to use there dead bodies as shields from the gun shots.

BD: that's right, let the anger build up in your body!

Christien grabbed one of the guns and shot at two of the aliens, making them fall to the ground. He jumped up and kicked one of them in the face while punching another mid air.

Christien: who's next?!

BD: you've finally released your true self, I told you that you were created by me. You're exactly like one of my strongest solider's.

Christien: I am nothing like them, and I sure as hell know I won't ever become one.

BD: and who do you think will stop them? I know you can't.

Shadow then showed up with Amy behind Black doom with six chaos emeralds.

Shadow: we will.

BD: where did you find those?

Amy: well...

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