Chapter 2: Memories

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Shadow ran with his gun in his hand into the middle of the city where most of the action was being taken placed.

He sees some black creatures in a large group ahead, but Shadow played this one smart and hid in a dumpster just next to him.

???: take this you rotten, no good aliens.

Shadow hears the voice of a girl, he thought he heard it before but he jumped out to help her.

Shadow: I'm coming to...

Shadow then saw Amy Rose with her hammer over her shoulder and the group of aliens all passed out on the floor.

Amy: I think I got this one covered, Shadow.

Shadow just stood in his place looking at Amy, then back at the aliens.

Shadow: how were you able to get them all that fast?

Amy snickered a bit before walking over the aliens unconscious body's right to Shadow.

Amy: my tornado technique allowed all of these... things, to be knocked out with my hammer.

.Shadow grinned before asking Amy if she was alone.

Amy: yes, Sonic team and the Chaotics are trying to find a way to stop anymore monsters from coming into the city.

Shadow: as good of a plan that is, it doesn't look like G.U.N will be helping a lot.

Amy: well what can we do now?

Shadow looked over his shoulder to look behind him, and sees a pack of aliens running towards them.

Shadow: for now, we fight.

Shadow reloaded his machine gun while Amy got in her fighting stance.

Shadow: you ready?

Amy: you bet your ass I am.

Shadow ducked behind a nearby car as the aliens started to shoot, while Amy did front flips past the lasers and hitting them with her piko pika hammer while Shadow gave her cover fire.

Amy did a high jump in the air, and grand slammed her hammer to the ground knocking all the aliens out.

Shadow walked over to where the creatures body's laid.

Shadow: I'm impressed Amy, you seem to do good with that hammer of yours.

Amy: aw thank you Shadow, your good with your guns as well.

As Shadow finished talking to Amy he leads her away from the city and into the forest past it.

Amy: where are we?

Shadow: the forest,we're going to my cabin.

Amy: but what about the city?

Shadow: it's to dangerous, we have to hide until we know what to do.

Amy tried to free from Shadows grasped but he kept his hand around her wrist tightly.

Amy: let go of me.

Shadow kept his grip while Amy kept trying to break free.

Amy: shadow please I beg of you your hurting my arm.

Shadow stopped on his tracks as she says I beg of you. A memory comes back to him and he collapses on the ground pulling Amy with him.

Amy: Shadow what...

Amy then heard the sounds of gunshots behind her and she turns around to see a few Aliens not far behind her.

Amy: oh my god. Shadow get up we have to go.

Shadow still laid on the ground, so Amy picks him up and carries him all the way through the trees and bushes until she sees a small cabin.

Amy: this must be it.

Amy slowly drags Shadow all the way in the cabin and closes the door behind her.

Amy tries to wake up Shadow, but he's out cold. She then smacks him hard and he wakes up.

Shadow: THE HELL WAS...

Amy puts her hand on his mouth to keep him from talking.

Amy: shut up, they'll hear us.

Shadow still had anger in his eyes but he did what he was told.

The aliens pass by the cabin deeper into the forest, then after ten entire minutes of waiting Amy gets off of Shadow and helps him up.

Shadow: thanks.

Amy nods her head and walks around the cabin. It had a small old fashion T.V with an old couch, small kitchen, and a hallway leading to three other doors.

Amy: what's down here?

Shadow: Bathroom, closet, and bedroom.

Shadow then goes into the bedroom to change while Amy decided to look around the house more.

Amy: wonder why he lives here.

As Amy's looking around he finds a picture of the Ark after they stopped it from falling to earth.

Amy: guess he doesn't want to forget his home.

When she puts the picture back to its regular place Shadow comes out of the bedroom wearing sweatpants and a black T-shirt.

Shadow: I'll sleep here in the living room while you sleep in the bedroom.

Amy: alright, goodnight.

As Amy walks to the bedroom Shadow grabs a pistol from under his couch and sleeps with it.

Meanwhile with Amy.

Amy's thoughts: should I really trust him? why does he bother even helping me?

Amy decided that she'll find her answers tomorrow and falls into a deep slumber.

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