Galia and Her AUs

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On the page called "GenderFell Font Family Looks"

V.D Gast/Galia Beauséjour- In GenderTale Font Family Looks

Ludmila- In Genderswap Font Family Looks



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Who they are shipped with ⬇️

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Who they are shipped with ⬇️

V.D Gast/Galia- W.D Gaster
Heloise - Fell! Gaster or Fell or Edge
Ludmila- Swap or Swap! Gaster
M.W/MilkyWay/Mila- Space/Stars/OuterTale! Gaster
Madeleine- B/Blind/Blindy/NewTale! Gaster


V.D Gast/Galia- 43/29
Heloise- 44
Ludmila- 39
M.W/MilkyWay/Mila- 40
Madeleine- 46

Relationship with their children!

V.D Gast/Galia- Good
Heloise- looked up to as a protector so good
Ludmila- Great! They love her!
M.W/MilkyWay/Mila- also Great!
Madeleine- ok, not abusive but not good either

Cause of death-
V.D Gast/Galia- Being thrown into her invention by her Ex-Husband, and burned in the lava

Heloise- The same as Galia but more... harmful...

Ludmila- after the war, she dusted in front of everyone... but her eldest child (Legacy) and the king and queen are the only ones who remember that...

M.W/MilkyWay/Mila- BlackHole from protecting her daughter

Madeline/Magic- Was beheaded.

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