Chapter 5

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I heard many bikes hoping it was Mitsuya and the rest of his friends if he brought any along

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I heard many bikes hoping it was Mitsuya and the rest of his friends if he brought any along..

I was glad they were able to find the building..but will they be able to find me, this building seems huge.

I looked around the room, trying to find something that can help me free. I saw a window with a broken glass but most pieces of the broken glass was gone..expect one. I slowly tried to move,  I started moving towards the glass, moving like a snail. I slowly made it there and spun around trying to grab the glass and I finally did, I started cutting the ropes off.

I slowly grabbed it with both of my hands and cut the rope that was holding my hands together.

Soon after I cut the rope that was around my ankles.

I stood up and started stretching, putting my hands on top of the rope marks that were turning purple, they hurt so bad but I can't complain right now, I need to get out of here. I put the sharp glass in my pocket hoping it won't hurt me and slowly made my way out the room.

I quietly opened the door, there was a male standing infront of the door guarding it. I kicked his balls causing him to fall on the ground as I giggled.

I then sprinted faster than Usain Bolt, making my way downstairs until I reached the end, I looked around, panicking and finally saw Mitsuya.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Third person pov:

She ran to Mitsuya and quickly hugged him.

He responded back by hugging her and said "I'm sorry I shouldn't of let you go alone- before he could continue she replied with "No it's my fault." "STOP CHITCHATTING AND TAKE Y/N AWAY FROM HERE," yelled Draken.

Mitsuya nodded and held her hand firmly as he guided her to his bike.

As soon as y/n got on his bike, she wrapped her arms around his waist and he started driving out of the abandoned area.

Y/n's pov:

I put my head on Mitsuya's shoulder.

His lavender smell made me feel like I was in floating in a garden full of lavenders on a hill.

Once we reached my house he snapped me out of my thoughts, I replied "oh I-I'm sorry..and ummm I was wondering if you wanted to come inside??" As soon as I finished the sentence he replied "Yeah! I can stay the night if you want."

I smiled and took his hand as he locked his motorcycle and he followed me in.

We came inside, I locked the main door. He sat down on the couch as I put my phone on the coffee table in-front of him. "Mitsuya give me a second real quick!"

Loved you twice- T.Mitsuya x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now