The Hole

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Me: And now, The Hole: starring Lyra and Negaduck, since they don't interact often. Enjoy!


Lyra: Hey Negaduck, have you seen my copy of the greatest movie of all time?

Negaduck: "Pitch Perfect"?

Lyra: Yeah.

Negaduck: I think it fell in the hole.

Lyra: What- -sees the hole in the floor- THE HELL?!? How'd that get here?!?

Negaduck: Well, I woke up this morning... -drinks his coffee- and there was a hole.

Lyra: Well what are you gonna do about it?

Negaduck: Well I tried putting a rug over it... It fell in the hole.

Lyra: Did you get the guys?

Negaduck: Yeah yeah, I called Bushroot and Liquidator.

Lyra: -looks around a bit- well, where are they?

Negaduck: In the hole.

Lyra: ... Negaduck, Where is your girlfriend? (Nega Morgana)

Negaduck: ...

Lyra: Where is your girlfriend?!?

Negaduck: She's at work.

Lyra: -sighs- good... Where does she work?

Negaduck: In the hole.

Lyra: GOD!!! How deep even is this thing?!? -takes Negaduck's mug and drops it in the hole-

Negaduck: ... That was my favorite mug... Now it's in the hole...

Lyra: Do you even know what this is? This could be... A doorway to another dimension, or-or a gateway to HELL or- -doesn't see Negaduck anymore- Negaduck? Negaduck!? -looks down the hole- NEGADUCK!!!!

Negaduck: -eats an apple- Sup I was getting a snack.

Lyra: -facepalms- How are you so calm about this?!?

Negaduck: I'm more worried about the space octopus!

Lyra: What space octopus?

Space octopus: -smashes one of his tentacles through the wall and grabs Lyra, pulling her outside with the rest of the chaos-

Negaduck: -take another bite of his apple- That space octopus.

Negaduck: -looks at the couch and sees Pitch Perfect, and picks it up- Oh here it is.

Negaduck: -starting to drop it- Oh god-

Negaduck: -drops it in the hole- ...

Negaduck: Well shi-


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