Part Fourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr -w-

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{Let the shipping commence.}


Lyra: -drunk af- SsSpPaRkYyYyY!!! KiSs Me! -falls on Megavolt-

Megavolt: -catches Lyra and smirks- Don't call me 'Sparky' anymore and I might~

Lyra: -pats his head- Can't do that, Sparky.


Bushroot: -singing "Smooth Criminal"-

Lyra: -banging a pot to the beat-

Bushroot and Lyra: Annie are you ok? -bang- Would you tell us? -bang- That you're ok? -bang-


Bushroot: -filming Quackerjack and Megavolt- Two broooos! Chillin' in a hot tuuuuuub! 5 Feet apart cuz they're not gay-


Quackerjack: -tries to pour cereal but instead it's lemons, then picks up a lemon- WELP! When life gives you lemons! -end music-


Megavolt and Chemist: -kiss-

Quackerjack: -hold hand out in front of Negaduck- Pay up, bub.

Negaduck: -puts money in his hand aggressively, then leaves, grumbling-


Liquidator to Nega Honker: So what is your opinion on The Fearsome Five?

Nega Honker: -flips him off- And why should I tell YOU??

Liquidator: ... Where are your parents?

Nega Honker: -walks away-

Liquidator: -to the camera- Kid's sketchy. Back to you, Lyra.


Megavolt: Click! Turning out all the lights.

Bushroot: We're the bad guys tonight!

Quackerjack: Finish your tasks while we sneak around.

Liquidator: Trekking through the halls and corridors

Chemist: Breaking wires and closing doors

Negaduck: I reckon we shouldn't make any sounds.

Bushroot: Try to stop them so they'll rest

Negaduck: We'll put all their trust to the test

Chemist: They have trust issues cuz everyone seems to blend in. They are so confused, don't know who to apprehend.

Quackerjack: They have trust issues in the back of all of their heads. They don't know who to accuse, guess they'll find out in the end!

Me: -music stops and I start dancing and ruining the song- Don't be suspicious -claps- Dooon't be suspicious! -claps- Don't be suspicious -claps- Doooon't be SuSpIcIoUs-


Quackerjack and Negaduck: -betting on where Megavolt is gonna take Lyra to on their date-

Megavolt: I'm taking her to the movies, you bozos.

Quackerjack: -grins wide and opens his hand out to Negaduck-

Negaduck: -hands him $200- You little cheat...


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