3 ~ missed me, huh?

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Nick was never one for crushes or sappy cliché dates. However, his mind was changing quite quickly upon meeting Luke. He'd find himself kicking his feet like a girl writing in her diary whenever he texted him, and when he felt the small buzz from his phone he raced to see what it was, silently hoping to see some kind of message from Luke. When he was sitting at work, bored and the opposite of busy, he suddenly received a notification from Luke. He basically shot out of his seat to grab his phone off of the counter.

'hey nappy, i was wondering if i could get a last minute piercing done? i just lost a bet to a friend so now i either have to pay him 70 bucks or get a piercing, and i know if i pay you in blunts it would cost me sm less'

'lmaoo omg yes, cmere right now big boy and i'll get u set up'

Nick smiled widely as Luke swiftly responded with a wink emoticon, then jogged over to the front counter where his laptop sat plugged into the monitor. He squinted and scrolled down a bit, picking a playlist that Luke had complimented on the drive to his house.

Standard trap and rap were his favorite genres, but he'd been on a recent punk kick. Listening to differing subgenres of post-punk had been the only hobby of his recently, refilling ink cups to Hole and Deftones, and tattooing himself to Whirr and Pixies. Luke had commented that it made him seem like even more of a manic-pixie dream girl than his room did. When the two strolled into Nick's apartment for the first time, he'd joked that he was the male equivalent of Ramona Flowers. Let's just say, Luke didn't get very many hits of that blunt.

A familiar ding and low chuckle prompted Nick to spin on his heel, leaning over the counter.

"Well howdy there my fine fellow, what can I do you for?" Luke rolled his eyes and mirrored Nick, leaning over the counter with a smug look.

"You could do me right now." Nick stumbled and let his elbow slip a bit, his eyes widened with embarrassment.


"A piercing, I mean. One of my friend here's choosing." Nick straightened up as he realised there was someone idling behind the blonde, and he immediately felt a little more flustered.

"Oh- yeah of course!" He slid a chart to the side of where Luke occupied, and slanted his body just a bit to the side to see the slightly shorter figure. "Here are you-"

The figure sidestepped to reveal an impossibly familiar face from short months ago. The fluffy hair bounced with his small shuffles and his brightly coloured nails tapped along his arm.

"Karl? Holy shit dude." The man looked up to meet Nick's eyes and he dropped his arms in shock.

"Sap? Oh my god!" Nick dashed around the counter, leaving Luke to stand there with a large smile plastered on his face. Karl jumped up and down and flung himself at Nick the moment he was in arms reach. They giggled like a bunch of teenage boys and spun around, almost tripping over the counter.

"I thought you moved!!!"

"I did!!! Back here!!" Nick gave Karl a small kiss on the forehead before hugging Luke tightly. "Did you know we knew each other??"

"Yeah, I thought this would be a nice surprise." Luke chuckled, ruffling his own hair. The three excitedly talked, comfortably taking up the lobby of the parlour, exchanging stories and glances between the other two. And sharing large, large smiles.

hey! teddison here, i've been offline for a bit but i'm back with more content for all stories, and ones to come :)
thanks for stickin around!!

word count: 642 words (edited)

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