4 ~ overcomplicated

605 21 1

"Why couldn't we have done this at the studio again?"

Nick tapped the steering wheel with his thumb as he turned down the music with his free hand.

"Huh?" Karl blinked hard and leaned over the console from the backseat.

"Why, are, we, leaving, the, studio, if, he's, getting, a, piercing?"

"..." Karl smiled and slunk backwards. "Because I want food. And I didn't bring any.." Nick rolled his eyes and adjusted his rearview mirror ever so slightly, allowing only a tiny glint of the neons behind him to reflect off the unscathed glass.

The car held an air of tired silence. Not too tired to have a little bit of fun, though, as Luke guaranteed that they would at some point in the night through the plastic baggie in his messenger and the cooler of premade brandy slushies at his feet.

A lo-fi hip hop station on Karl's spotify filled that silence, taps and snares kept the rhythm of their breaths.

"Two exits ahead, get off then turn right on Ferron." Luke whispered lowly over the seat headrest into Nick's ear. It was unexpected, and sent a small shiver down his spine. It spread at his stomach and rose to his lungs, making him suck in cold air tightly to release in a slow warm breath.

"Ferron? Got it." He clicked on his blinker just as the sign came into view. "Are we going to a gas station or store? There's a Kwik Trip just a few roads down off Ferron but there's a Pick n' Save right on Ferron."

"I broke my lighter yesterday during some filming," Karl clicked his tongue. "I say Kwik Trip." Luke and Nick looked each other in the eyes through the rearview and shrugged.

"I could use a milkshake anyways." Sapnap chuckled as he slowly turned the wheel to his right. The lights of his backseat string lights kept his mind ignorant to change, but his eyes could feel the absence of Miluakee neons as they became more and more out into the freed open of forest-lined backroads.

Occasional small-scale dairy farms were passed with the car erupting in tired 'moo's, and two bridges were bumpily sped over in the moonlit country. A radiance of old yellow 50 light came from the end of the road the boys currently sat on, and Nick turned his blinker to the left. Seemingly out of nowhere, there it was- a tall, red, bright Kwik Trip sign. They all cheered as Nick parked in a poorly lined spot, and shifted into park.

"Time for adventure boys!" Karl joked and excitedly slipped out of the car. Nick chuckled and was pulled out of the car by Luke, who held a soft and warm grip on his arm. Luke smoothly slipped his hand down Nick's arm to his hand, and laced their fingers together. Just as the gears in Nick's head started firing, he was yanked inside by a hungry Luke and Karl, who'd somehow also laced their fingers together. His face burned a bright red though it was only August, not cold enough for him to have caught a small chill or get hit in the face by temperature change.

'Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit hol-'

"What about you Sappy?" Nick whipped his head up to make eye contact with Karl.

"... what." Karl snorted and Luke giggled like they shared some kind of inside joke. Nick's eyes darted between the two in confusion.

"What kind of F'real do you want? They dont carry the coffee protein and the other proteins are all sold out." Luke asked.

"... Oh. Mint chip obviously what the fuck." Nick blankly stared ahead at the two, who burst into hysterical laughter. The only employee in store had dropped his mop at their outburst, and began cussing loudly to himself.

"You're ok guys! Just scared myself.." He mumbled and picked up the mop, quickly carting the bucket to behind the cash registers.

"You're all good!" Karl waved and turned back to the ice cream fridges in front of them. An array of colours stood before him, when suddenly a purple and green sort of container caught his eyes.

"I'm getting this one! Smileeee!" Luke snorted loudly.

"Did you just narrate your facial expression?" Karl turned slowly with a look of judgemental disgust.

"Yeah. I did. Frown." Nick snorted as well, smacking Luke on the shoulder lightly.

"He got you there."

"Shut- Shush." Luke mumbled and flipped up his hood over the beanie he already wore. The three took their time gathering snacks, and before they knew it they were back in the car, heading into the east side to Nick's apartment.

Word Count 786

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