6 ~ pillow f(ort)(ight)(uck)

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a/n: that insane crazy moment when i have gone through college and didn't update this till i decided to drop college for bartending. anyways, if you read please upvote.. pretty please leave an upvote  :) ((upvote this or shit urself))

"Owwwwwhhhh..." Luke whined loudly as he pressed the cloth-covered ice cube to his lip.

"Oh shush you baby, it cannot hurt that bad. It's been 17 minutes." Nick teased. Karl still lay with his head on Nick's shoulder and his arms wrapped around his waist, and smiled sympathetically at Luke.

"You'll be okayy, it'll stop hurting in a bit." Karl chimed in and scratched his nose on the back of Nick's hoodie. "Why dont why watch something or do something to distract you?"

"Hm..." Luke hummed lowly and stared in thought. The two boys looked at him blankly as they watched his free hand run along the couch towards Nick's thighs. "How about..." He leaned forward towards the two and smirked widely as he placed his full palm flat on Nick's legs. Karl's eyes widened and Nick's face went flush warm with anticipation.

"We... build a pillow fort."


"What?" Nick whispered in a heavy exhale.

"Yep! A pillow fort. Let's make a pillow fort and toke it up a bit?"

Karl flopped backwards onto the couch and let out a quiet scream-like exhale, shaking his head violently against a pillow whilst giggling madly. Nick stared blank before giving a funny smile. "Uhh yeah! Great idea!"

"Great, i'll go grab some blankets and pillows." Luke clapped his hands and stood up, practically skipping to the door. Nick and Karl sat in stunned silence as Luke slid out the door and closed it with an echoed slam.

"What." Nick's voice cracked and Karl laughed uncontrollably. "Hey wait-"

"What???" Karl echoed as Nick laughed too. A thump down the hall and the rapid running of both tiny paws and human feet echoed alongside the bubbly laughter of the two on the couch. Meows and a third laugh raised in volume with each running step and Luke finally popped out of the hallway corridor, taking a running leap onto the couch beside the boys.

"I raided your hallway closet... and took everything out that wasn't a towel. I wasn't sure how big you wanted it..." Luke's voice trailed off as he bit his tongue with a slight smile. Karl made a serious face and sat up straight, tilting his head at different angles to inspect the array of pillows and folded sheets in front of him. He softly pinched a fitted sheet between his fingers and hummed.

"Hmm... this will work!"

"Wh- okay, alright." Nick smiled and shook his head, then stood up and placed his hands right on the dips of his waist. "But! You cannot smoke with that piercing in for at least. Like. Six to nine hours, it's recommended that you should avoid drinking and smoking for at least three weeks but I usually tell my clients to watch how it heals then decide from there as long as you clean it after the hours are up. Basically, you need a different form of occupation, and I'm NOT hotboxing a pillow fort with animals around."

The boys all laughed and Luke nodded in understanding. He squinted his eyes in thought, then clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth with a slightly open-mouthed smirk.

"-And! You can't kiss anyone for the same amount of time. Probably three weeks for that one. Sorry pretty boy, can't thank me for the piercing for a bit." Nick quipped and grabbed the blankets from a flustered and pouty Luke.

"Uhghnng... you're so boring."

"Yeah. I just pierced someone's lip at home with a safety pin and I'm boring." The country accent slipped out of Nick's lips heavily as his smile grew and he began dragging chairs from the bartop kitchenette into the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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