Chapter Two

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It was midday and Ivory was sitting beside the river, the carcass of the leftover dinosaur was near behind her. The male sat beside her but kept at a distance, not wanting to upset her with his closeness.

She perked up, seeing another herd of Triceratops mixed with the Diabloceratops. Along with some Therizinosaurus' but they have feathers, or fur, they have quite bushy and fluffy tails. What a strange herd. They're coming down from the hill on the other side of the river, on the right end of it.

There were even some young Stegosaurus'. What a very strange herd.

On the left side came an Allosaurus, sneaking up to the rippling water. It looked at the herd hungrily before looking at Ivory and the Tyrannosaur. It thought that this is her territory due to how she's the only biggest one here.

He leaned down and drank some of the water, making it seem like he's just here for a drink. He knows that she's watching him. But as soon as she stood up, he flinched and ran away in fear.

Ivory huffed before looking back at the herd, seeing them standing there and waiting for something.

One of the Therizinosaurs screeched at her, "we want to get past you."

They want to get across? Alright.

Ivory nodded and walked away from the river, the Tyrannosaurus followed. The herd took this as a good sign to walk across the river but away from the two.

Slowly, the large herd of mixed dinosaurs crossed through the river as the young babies stayed in the center of the herd. Ivory watched them as they went.

"Thank you!" one of the young ones roared out to her. Ivory let out a friendly roar in return.

As the herd disappears, Ivory heard light splashing making her look back at the river and seeing a young Triceratops. What makes it more troubling is that the Allosaur from earlier was sneaking up at the baby.

Ivory quickly took action, roaring and ran towards the baby making it look like she was after the Allosaurus. The dinosaur heard and saw her before turning and running away, leaving the baby in the water.

She slowed down to a walk, as she stepped into the cold water and approached the young Triceratops. The said baby looked up at her.

Ivory paused and looked up to her left, seeing the herd is already gone, and looked back down at the baby. Seeing as she has no other choice, besides killing and eating it, she gently picked it up in her jaws and walked back to her spot near the carcass.

Hearing the footsteps of the male Tyrannosaur, she placed down the baby.

"Don't eat it," she growled before sitting. Perking up hearing multiple roars, catching the scent of the same Allosaur. It must've found a pack and told them about us, Ivory thought.

She stood up, smelling many scents. She looked to her left seeing a pack, about 6, appearing from the forest at a distance. One of them roared, seeing Ivory, the Tyrannosaur, and the young Triceratops.

The pack began to run at them, coming closer and closer with each step. Ivory was quick to stand and stood her ground. The baby and Tyrannosaur are cowering behind her.

As they got close enough, Ivory sent them a warning roar. Seeing as they won't be stopping any time soon, she ran at them as well.

She reached down and bit onto one of them, she smacked one away with her tail as it ran behind her.

The Allosaurus from before left the others the fight Ivory while he approaches the cowering baby and Tyrannosaur.

Ivory threw the Allosaurus in her jaws at another that was running towards her, knocking them down and both were laying on the ground. Another Allosaurus bit her leg and tugged on it only to get bit by Ivory.

She roared feeling another one of the pack members biting on her neck as she was reaching down at the other on her leg.

With Baby and the Tyrannosaur, Allo slowly approaches them before running at them and bit at the Tyrannosaur's neck. He roared out and pulled away, turning and smacked him in the face and knocked him away.

Allo stumbled back and ran at him again only to get bit on the neck and dragged to the ground.

Ivory lifted her head, knocking the one on her neck down with the other one still in her jaws. Her jaws were clenching on its neck and part of its face. She tightened her jaws before the sound of a snap and blood was splattered on her jaws.

Both the head and the body fell on the grassy ground, blood now splattered and covered the once green grass a dark red.

The Allosaurs that were still standing and alive paused and stared with horror in their eyes. They looked up at her, flinching when they saw her glaring down at them.

They slowly backed away, lowering their heads down in submission. Ivory snorted before turning and saw the Tyrannosaur having Allo pinned down on the ground. Baby was trembling and stood close to the carcass.

Ivory took one last glance at the submitting Allosaur pack before approaching her normal spot. She gently pushed the Tyrannosaur away, having him let go of Allo.

He looked up seeing Ivory before bowing his head. Allo slowly stood up, keeping his head down.

She heard soft thudding of footsteps behind her. She turned her head seeing the pack approaching her, the decapitated pack member behind them.

They stopped a couple feet away, Allo walked around and joined them, standing and facing Ivory. On her left stood the Tyrannosaur close to the river. She heard a squeak below her, making her look down and saw Baby standing there and wagging her small tail in excitement.

Ivory turned around towards the pack and Allo, being mindful of Baby, before roaring at them.

"I am very disappointed, the audacity to attack me in my territory!" she sneered. "However, I know it's not your fault. I'm not mad, just disappointed."

The pack and Allo looked down slightly in shame, but they were grateful that she is giving them mercy instead of killing them like the way she did to their pack member.

"You can stay here as long as you want," Ivory said. "But you must listen to me, if you want to survive."

The pack looked at each other before facing her and lowered their heads down to the ground, bowing down to her. Allo seemed to be the most desperate as he was the first and the quickest to do so.

Out of instinct, the Tyrannosaur joined them. He bowed down, as she looked down at them with the sun now setting. The sky turns to beautiful shades of bright yellow and orange colors.

A/N: Wassup guys! Another chapter was finally published, woop woop! I almost forgot about this book to be honest but I'm glad I got back to it! The beginning was from the video, the rest was what I could think of. *sigh* Anyway, hopefully this would satisfy you for a bit while my walnut of a brain would try and come up with how the rest of this story would go. Plus, I got too ahead of myself and thought that I would make Ivory her very own book after this. Hopefully I don't go brain dead after this. Wish me luck and have an excellent day/night.

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