Chapter Three

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1 Week Later...

Ivory laid in the tall grass to keep hidden from potential predators, feeling lost and alone. She had no idea what happened to her parents.
A few hours ago, they left the nesting grounds to their hunting grounds for food but they never returned.
It was dark, the void sky was filled with stars as the full moon shone bright rays of white light down below it.
She shivered, feeling another cold breeze of the wind. She can hear the trees rustle if leaves and feel the grass swaying to the wind.
She was only a year old and she couldn't leave the nest due to the possible dangers that could come to her. But in with her parents gone to ward off any predators, she felt no longer safe and any dino can wander in with no trouble and possibly make themselves at home and eat her.
Ivory didn't like the thought of that. She has two choices: Run into the wilderness in hopes to find food and better shelter with a high possibility of danger that could kill her or she can stay here and starve and have a possibility of a dino walking in and kill her.
She didn't like either of those but there was no other choice, she didn't want to die.
Ivory curled up to keep as small as possible and drifted off to sleep.
She snapped her eyes open, after hearing a distant roar. She shot her head up as she hears the distant pounding of heavy steps.
Looking towards the trees, she can see a large shadow passing through them.
She couldn't identify the predator due to how dark it is beyond the trees but she wasn't wasting any time to find out.
Standing up slowly, she kept her eyes towards the trees as she slowly steps away and towards a cave that was hidden behind some vines and moss.
Ivory froze in place, seeing the shadow walking out in the moonlight. It was a Spinosaurus, blood dropped from it's jaws, claws, and wounds. Something was wrong and this looked like no ordinary Spinosaurus.
It's skin looked rotten and it's eyes were full bloodshot. It shouldn't be alive due to the massive holes and bites it has. This is not right.
Without a second thought she ran towards the cave, catching the attention of the rotting Spino. It roared and ran towards her at full speed.
She cried out and ran through the vines, the  Spino running in after her. The cave was not as large but large enough for an escape for her.
The Spino slammed into the cave wall, Ivory running between it's legs and outside of the cave.
It tried to come after her but it ended up stuck in the thick vines. Thrashing and pulling, the vines only got tangled up more and trapping it in a tight hold.
She can hear it roaring as she runs into the forest. Her heart beats at a fast pace, feeling fear.
Ivory never bothered to look back as she continues to run through the forest, hoping for the best of her survival and to stay as far away from that thing as much as possible.

Ivory opened her eyes with a groan, she lifted her head and see she was still in the same place beside the stream. The Allosaurs, Baby, and Tyrannosaurus was still with her.
It was just a dream. Well, more of a memory than a dream.

Opening her jaws wide and let out a yawn, she stood up and took a drink from the stream and walked towards a nearby carcass from the day before. She took a few bites before looking up and seeing the sun rising.

The warm rays glowed and lit up the fields and trees around. The light reflected against the rippling water, making it sparkle.

She looked behind her, seeing Baby and the Tyrannosaurus just waking up. The Allosaurs were taking turns at night to keep watch, the rest of the pack just waking up. After the attack of the pack, they had decided to stay and guard while also keeping clear of the path of the herd.

The carcass way before was long gone and a sacrifice is needed in order for the herd to pass. As harsh as it seems, it is needed for survival and the Allosaurs are always hungry.

She looked down, saddened and missing the home she once had before she had been taken in by the Tarbosaur family.
Then came the sound of thudding footsteps, another herd is coming by. But it's too early for a herd to pass by. The others heard it too.

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