Chapter 1

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My name is Yu-jun Lee I graduated collage a year ago my work field is under Landscape Design I enjoy doing art and creating life so might as well put them together.

I have Two siblings both female One is older then me and the other is younger I'm the middle child. My older sister is very protective over me and I think it's cause I'm an omega or maybe it's just her Alpha instinct. But so is my lil sister Hae-Won Leen I don't know what's up with them but Hey! I don't mind I enjoy having them check up on me it makes me happy.

I have a cat named Neola she's a girl a Turkish Angora mostly white with Orange and gray spots on her she also has one blue eye and one yellow eye. She's a very beautiful cat and I love her very much she's my baby. Well enough of my cat and more about me I live in a Studio apartment in Seoul Korea. I do landscaping for very Rich and Middle class people I enjoy expressing myself with landscaping cause most of the time they let me run free and use my imagination. The ending result always comes out good my clients love it and I love it...that's what I enjoy about my job. Yah sometimes there would be some fussy customers here and there but I still enjoy my job until this one particular day.

—————Couple months back——————

Manager " Yu-jun have you finished Mrs. Clans landscaping yet?"

"Ah! Yes I'm almost done I just need to make the rock paths that Leeds up to her door then I'll be finished."

"That's great your finishing
your work on time" He looks around
"Not like some of these other people"

He says in a very Stern voice...everyone in the room went quite and started looking around as if He wasn't talking to them.

I nervously laughing and look around
"Well I do enjoy my job so I think that's why I finish so fast!"

"Ahhh! Yes! A hard worker just like I like them!" He chuckled and nudged me on the shoulder

"Yep! I do work hard that's one this you can say about me :)" I giggle

"Welp if you ever need a vacation you can always take never take vacation leave why is that? You need it"

"Nahhh pfft I love working I would be bored if I go on one so what's the point I don't have anyone to go on vacation with as well ."

"Yah I know but sometimes it's just good to take a break you know?" He smiles and looks my way

"I know...when the times right that's when I'll take it I promise.."

"Alright sunny boy I'll be headed off now make sure everyone cleans there work stations and lock up for tonight."

"All righty tighty boss I'll make sure everything's nice a clean and ready for tomorrow!" I smile while putting my thumbs up

"All right see y'all tomorrow have a good night sleep well come to work early!"

Everyone in the office said Alright then the boss left.

Colleague 1
"Ugghhh why does boss always praise you...we work hard too!"

"I know you guys do it's just that I work at a faster paste then y'all that's why he like's me" I nervously chuckle and scratch the back of my head

Colleague 2
"Yah I know you really put your heart out to this job huh? All of your works look amazing I enjoy seeing the before and after results!"

"Awww thank you I appreciate the praises I really do put my all in..."

Colleague 1
"Welp I'll see y'all tomorrow I have to get my beauty rest if this pretty girl wanna keep my completion good"

"Alright I'll see you later"

Colleague 2
"Yah me too I'm leaving make sure you lock up and get home safe of my dude."

"Alright I will have a great night you guy's"

Slowly but surely everyone started to leave the building until it was just me in this big place.

I finally checked every room to make sure no ones in there and then I grabbed my bag to lock up.

After I locked up I headed out the company building it was around 9:45pm.
The city lights look so pretty at night and the sound of the cars just makes my heart skip a beat.

I started to walk to the subway station waited for my train and got on. My stop came and I got off and walked the rest home as soon as I open the door. Neola was right at the door waiting for me to come home I close my door and pick her up.

"Hi my pretty baby!" I say smiling


"Is my baby hungry? You want some food"

Neola purred and wiggled to signify she was hungry. I put her down Took off my shoes and slid on my slippers. I headed to the kitchen where Neola was following behind me I took the cat food bag out from under the sink and opened it to pour some food in her bowl.


"Your welcome Nola (Nick name)"

I put the bag back and head to the bathroom to take a shower and soothe myself.

Authors note
() mean he's talking to himself in his head

(Oh yah!...when is my next heat cycle)

I checked the calendar hanging up on my door.

(Dang it's in a couple of days Let me check and see if I have any medicine)

I open my cabinet to see if I have enough heat suppressants in my bottle.

(Damn...I only have two left ...Ugh I have to go to my local pharmacy to pick some up)

I close my cabinet and started to get ready for a shower. After my shower I get changed and head to my kitchen to make some dinner.

(Hmmm what do I want to eat...)

I open my fridge and search for what I can make for dinner.

(Ah! Found it I can make Ramen with a side of kimchi and a cucumber salad)

I start preparing my food when it was done I sat down to eat. After I was done eating I cleaned the dishes and started to get ready for bed.

I brushes my teeth flossed then I did my skin care routine and headed to bed.

(Tomorrow's gonna be a great day I can feel it!)

(Tomorrow's gonna be a great day I can feel it!)

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Yu-jun's apartment and bathroom

Yu-jun's apartment and bathroom

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