Chapter 3

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  I finally made it to the office I pulled up in the office parking lot and got out. I took off my overalls and placed them back into the van then walked inside the office.

I headed to the manager's office which was on the top floor. I got on the elevator looking at the necklace Mrs. Clan gave me.

(Huh...I wonder what it means...)

The elevator dropped me off and I got out I knocked on the door and waited.

"Come in.."
He said in a faint voice

I opened the door and walked inside closing it behind me.

"Ah! Yu-jun your back how did it go? You finished your work?"

"Yes sir I'm finally done I can now work on my new project."

"That's great I'll inform Oliver"

Manager started typing on his computer I would assume emailing Oliver.

"Well I'll be headed out for today :)"

Manager looks up from his computer

"Oh before you go I have something to say"

"What is it?"

" Since you're done you can take a little break you won't have to come in for the next few days until your next project."

"..Really? But Manager I-"

"No more "But" you are taking the day's off and that's final. Yu-jun you need it trust me you've work very hard the past year's."

"...ok...fine if you say so"

"Alright have a great night and head home safely see you in the next few days."

"All right manager bye see you"
I say walking out the door

I headed to the entrance of the office to meet up with my colleagues.

Colleague 1
"Yu-jun you came! I thought you wouldn't have"

"Sorry I had to inform the manager that I was done with Mrs. Clan landscaping"

Colleague 1
"Oh! That's fine colleague 2 went to reserve us a seat"

"Ok!...may I ask how many people are coming?"

Colleague 1
"Oh! Colleague 2 didn't tell you?"

"No I wasn't informed" I say scratching the back of my head

Colleague 1
"Well it's six people in total including us so about four other people."

"Yay! Sounds fun I will most definitely enjoy my night"

Colleague 1
"Yep! Let's get going then :)"


We started walking to the Indoor pojangmacha. Colleague 1 and I arrive and see the others sitting down already enjoying there alcoholic beverages.

(Yum! I hadn't had a drink in a long time I can't wait to drink!)

We sit down and joined there conversation.

Colleague 3
"Yah I know crazy right! He just up and left "

Colleague 4
"Wow...that's pretty messed up..."

Colleague 6
"If I were you I would have blocked him I don't know why you keep going back to him..." she says with and eye roll

Colleague 3
"Uggh I can't help it...he always apologizes after..."

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