Chapter 6

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I quietly open the door to my room makings sure not to make any noise. I look around to see that I'm at the end of a long hallway. I squint down the hallway to see if there's anybody at the end.

(Coast is clear)

I begin walking out of my room making sure to crack the door behind me. I start heading down the hall. As I am walking down I keep walking past rooms with the door open but no one is inside them.

(What in the world? Why are all these doors open???)

As I reach the end of the hallway I see a security guard stationed looking the same direction as me. He seems to be watching guard of something. I hide in the shadows to make sure he doesn't see me I leaned up against the wall, arms spread making sure to look as flat as possible.

(Ugh! What do I do?!....hmm...I can just go back to my roo-...)

As I'm thinking to myself I noticed that the security guard had started to stretch. While he was stretching a lighter fell out of his pocket. I quickly caught it before it could make a sound and rat me out.

(Sigh that was a close one...)

Wow this is a interesting looking lighter. I have never seen anything like this before. It was a heavy duty lighter with a wolfs head carved in it.

I quickly slip it in my back pocket of my pjs

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I quickly slip it in my back pocket of my pjs. While I was doing that I noticed the guard was digging in his pocket for something.

(What is he digging for?.....OH SHIT)

He slowly pulls out a pack of cigars from him pocket...

(....wait? Is he even supposed to smoke in here?)

The man pulls one cigarette out and put's the rest in his pocket.

Security guard
"Sigh...Frank won't mind if I leave early to go smoke I'll just text him real quick before I go outside"

(YES! Finally my chance once he leaves I can go down to the foyer...)

After the security guard was done texting he start's walking down stairs heading for the front door.

I stood up from the shadows heading down behind him.

Security Guard
*Walks out the door/closes
it behind himself*

Yu-jun looks around the foyer in disbelief...

"W..WOW this house is huge....I MEAN I seen it while I was coming up here I wasn't expecting it to be THIS big..."

While I was distracted looking at all of the beautiful decor and interior. The Front Door swing open.


Security Guard

There was a 30 sec silence before the guard opened his mouth to say something.

Security Guard
"...W-What doing's here?.."
He say's in confusion

"..I—-I wasss...looikinggg forrr the BaThRoom?....ha..ha"

The Security Guard looks me up and down then proceeds to walk slowly over to me..

Security Guard
"..Yah you know there's a bathroom in all of the bedrooms. I don't believe that lie one bit..."

He then proceeds to walk faster towards me.

(DAMN IT what kinda lie WAS THAT I could have said I needed water are maybe I was hungry not the BATHROOM!! 🤦🏻)

"wa-WAIT hold on..Did I say bathroom??? Hahahah I meant I was thirsty! Yah! That's it not silly bathroom ha why would I leave my room when I have my own bathroom SILLY me!!..."

The security guard stop himself in his tracks half way between me and the front door.

Security Guard
"We'll if your thirsty you could have called the kitchen with the phone we provided you with on your bedside table."

"Oh! Really woooow I never knew that you could do that..hmm maybe it's just a rich people thing haha..well I best go and call my I'm heading back now...."

He squints at me confused

Security Guard
"Yah..No I still can't let you leave why would I trust you.."

He walks fast paced towards me again grabbing on to my Forearm.

"Hey! Wait..Stop This Is NO WAY How You Treat A Guest!"

While I was trying my best to push and grab my arm back from him. I remembered the lighter in my pocket.

(O YAH! the lighter maybe I can..)

I slowly reach in my back pocket pulling out the heavy duty lighter.


I get a good grip on the ground with my feet

"Hey what are you-"

I wined my hand back


I take a deep breath



I throw the lighter right in his cranium


I hurry up and grab my arm back and scurry out of there. I run as fast as I can I don't know where I was going but I was heading somewhere..

I didn't even dare to look back I was to scared to anyways.

-After 2min of running-

I stop gasping for air
(W-here am I)

I look up to see a big oak wood door in-front of me slightly cracked.

(Hm I wonder where this leads to..)

I peek through the door with one eye.
On the other side of the door was a Office floor to ceiling filled with books and in the middle of it was a desk with a familiar looking man in it...


Once that name slipped out my mouth I felt a chilling sensation flow down my spine. I was so focused on the sensation I was feeling I hadn't even noticed that He had left his desk.

( Damn...where'd he go..)

I get up and back away from the door slowly

(I need to get out of here quickly before...)

As I was turning away I fall in to someone way bigger my size. He quickly grabs my lower back making sure I don't fall.

It's a familiar sent one that I smelt earlier today..HIS smell Fangs.

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