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🔥Amber's POV🔥


"I can't believe you did that." Sam says, gasping.

"But I did" I shrugged.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks all of a sudden.

I turn and see a knowing look on her face.

Am I okay? I don't even know.

"If mom and dad were here, do you think they would've been mad?" I whisper.

Sam scoots in closer to me and hugs me.

"Mom and dad would've been proud of the woman you've become." She whispers rubbing my back.

"Besides, remember how you saved that puppy wearing your ninja turtles costume and Barbie-themed wand? Mom and dad were so proud of you that day."

A giggle involuntarily escaped my lips remembering that day.

"Yeah, and you were crying because you didn't want the puppy to get an injection in the hospital later." I nudged Sam saying that.

Sam snorted and soon we broke into fits of laughter.

"I know you'll find another way to get to your goal. And you know that too." Sam spoke up after a few more minutes.

"Mhmm... it's just that- I really liked that job and...I don't know if I can ever find something to do that I actually enjoy and not live like robots."

"Amber Shea Acacia. You are the most capable person I know. Okay? I know you'll succeed in whatever you set your mind to."

"Yeah I guess" I said tiredly, not wanting to argue with her.

"You guess? You fudging guess? Come on" She whined.

"I know I'm capable. I'll find another job. Okay?"

She grinned and raised her thumbs up.

I think she's possessed or some shit.

"Okay, now get out. I have to go to the library. And guess what?!" Sam squealed excitedly.

"You finally realised that you're a bookworm?"

She mockingly hit my shoulder.

"Stupid! No! Imagine Me from the Shatter Me series is finally published and I can't wait to read it. OhMyGod what if they get MARRIED!!!"

She kept on rambling and I slowly slipped out of her room.

Sighing I went up to my room and plopped down on my bed, spreading my arms and legs like a starfish.

I looked around at my room, scanning everything. The small bookshelf, the posters on the wall, the neon stars I stuck in the walls, and finally, one of the very few family photos I have left of my parents.

My vision gets blurry again and I'm already hating it.

Groaning, I get up and blink a few times to clear my vision.

Get your shit together Amber

I went to the bathroom and washed my face.

Glancing in the mirror, I see this strong girl who couldn't break even after everything that happened to her.

Smirking, I show myself the middle finger.

"You amazing bitch" I said to the reflection.

~~(AT LUNCH)~~

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