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🔥Amber's POV🔥


"What the fuck?! You can't do that! THAT ASSHOLE PROVOKED ME!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Amber, look. You can't make a scene here right now. The higher-ups made this decision. I had no hand in it. You know I can't-"

"Oh for fuck's sake, you know how much this means to me Matt! I can't- I can't leave this. I need the money!" I pleaded.

"I know, I know Amber." He sighed heavily before continuing, "but you know I can't help you. When I heard them talking that day I-" he stopped.

"That day?... You knew didn't you?" I asked quietly.


"Amber, I- I'm sorry but I can't help. They already made their decision to ban you for the next three years and you know I can't do anything about it. You broke the protocols by making it personal and now you have to face the consequences."

"The least you could've done was GIVE ME A HEADS UP!" I raised my voice at the last part.

"That asshole provoked me! That fuckwit was a piece of shit for calling me an orphan who can't do shit! That DICK-WIELDING-FART-ZOMBIE-DICTATOR was the one who brought my fucked up past between this! And you know that wasn't professional. It already became personal when that bastard opened his filthy mouth." I said as I aggressively wiped the tears off of my face.

"Amber wait-"

"NO! You don't get to tell me what to do now! I thought you were on my side Matt. The least you could've done was stand up for me." My voice cracked in the end which pissed me off more.

I walked towards the parking lot where my bike was parked. I grabbed my helmet, put it on, ignited the engine, and drove off.

This morning couldn't get any worse.

First, they call me telling me they have something important to discuss with me. And when I get there, I get to know I'm fucking banned from going into the ring for breaking that shitface's bones. What part of the word discussion don't they understand? And then Matt, who was the only person I thought was on my side at the academy fucking hid that information.

Fuck everybody! Fuck this fucking world!

Where the fuck am I gonna go now? Where will I save up enough money to move out?

My vision gets blurry once again, pissing me off more.

Gosh, mom, dad, I miss y'all so much.

I wish Sam and I could just leave everything behind and start a new life.

I speed up getting impatient to go to Sam.

I just need a hug from her and for her to tell me it's okay. And that, mom and dad wouldn't be disappointed in me. That if they were alive, they would be proud of me.

I feel an ache where my heart is supposed to be. My throat feels heavy and my vision blurs.

Am I about to cry?

Okay, time for a pep talk. An unhappy self will always bring up things, to make you feel further sad. I told myself.

Think about um... Barbie. How she can do so many things and still be happy.

And fucking Power Rangers. And Mr. Bean.

You're strong Amber. Get your shit together.

Sam needs you. You need you.

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