4-Forget it all

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🔥Amber's POV🔥


"So, Miss Amber, why do you think we should offer you a job and decline all the other applicants?"

My favourite question. Great.

"Uhh...because... first, I can't see any other interviewee here so that eliminates the second part of the question and as for the first part, you're getting a new employee." I said, my leg bouncing under the table but my expression confident.

All of their heads snapped to me.

Great work Amber. You just blew your chance with your mouth once again.

One of the directors smirked while the others cleared their throats to dismiss the awkward moment. The one I just created.

"Miss Amber", the director who was still smirking, started, "We'll let you know about the results. Great work today." He said as we both stood up to shake hands.

"I would suggest not to get your hopes up Miss Amber." the person seated at the farthest to me spoke up.

"Ah, how could I Ms.." I glanced at the name banner in front of her before continuing, "Forever 21. Oops, sorry, my bad. Ms. Zara. I apologize. My eyesight isn't great." I whispered the last part at her with a sickenly sweet smile.

The smirking director's eyes showed amusement.

After shaking everyone's hand except Ms. Forever 21- my bad, Ms. Zara's hand, I hurried out of the building and took a deep breath.

I turned around and looked up at the huge building in front of me. The 'ASTER' initial was placed at the top of the building while the building's glasses were tinted in silver. The front gate was littered with golden and silver decoration and red highlights all over them giving a very regal vibe.

I smiled as I made my way to the parking lot where I kept my bike.

I couldn't wait to tell Sam how I blew this opportunity.

Sam, you would be so proud of your sis. Note the sarcasm.

After reaching halfway home, I changed my mind about going home and decided it's a good time to go for a ride. Without any destination.

I came across a Buddhist temple place, unknown to me and found no one around. The cool and gentle breeze, lack of sunlight made me want to just stay here. So, that's what I did. The faint noise of bells ringing, the golden, red, green decoration of the temple was really pretty and...peaceful.

I climbed out of my bike, put my helmet off and just wandered around until I came across a bridge. Saying the bridge was beautiful would be an understatement of this year. Pink blossom tree flowers were scattered all across the path, a narrow river was flowing under it. And everything was just so colorful and green around me.

All I wanted to do was just stay here. Forever. And forget about everything. I wanted to take Sam here with me, build a house near the temple and come for a walk with our future dog everyday in the evening.

I wanted to forget about all my problems.

The financial problems we were facing. Me getting banned from the one job I didn't hate. The awful feeling of being lonely every time I see small kids with their parents laughing and having the best time of their lives.

Every time the pain I feel when I realise that I can never bring my parents back into our lives. The hurt I feel every time I think about how I didn't get to say goodbye to mum and dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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