Step 5: Fight for everything

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" What are you fighting for?

Is it worth a fight?

Do you want to fight? "

These are questions that come across your head as you go through hardships in your life.

We fight almost everyday in our lives. May it be against bacteria, negative thoughts, exams, feelings or in relationships.

To understand the concept of an Alpha, you must bear in mind that you will have to always fight your way out.

There's too much competition out there and only the strongest ones survive.

So boost your confidence, physical strength and most importantly, your mentality.

Note that not everyone wants to do you good.

Once you found yourself, there are always people out there who want to tear you apart out of jealousy and frustration.

Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and put them back to seat.

A true Alpha doesn't give a fuck to what people think of him/her. They continue to upgrade in life.

" If nobody hates you, you are doing something wrong. "

This quote has got me always thinking. It's a fact.

When you have nothing to show or offer, people like you as you are below their level.

You let them step on you as they belittle you in a friendly way.

That's totally absurd and a nasty move.

I have been through that when I was younger. I would always 0lay the good friend and consider their feelings before mine. I still do as it is part of my personality. A little too late I finally noticed the intentions they had. I was used in a friendly way, just for them to stand out. I didn't talk much and they were always in the spotlight for making jokes about me.

It's foolish.

I'm not saying you should hate people. You just have to cross the line sometimes and be true to yourself for once.

Sometimes you indeed have to open your mouth and show them who you are.

That's the Spirit of fighting for yourself.

Don't be like those people who use others for their good. Instead make use of the people around you as you teach them the right way to do things and achieve big goals together.

A real Alpha doesn't let his wolves pack behind, he leads them to their destination.

You can be proud of yourself if you achieved this mentality.

Once you nailed that step, you can go on with fighting harder obstacles in life.

Again, fighting is part of the Alpha trait.

When hope is all lost young Alpha...

Remember why you started and the pain you have surpassed along the way.

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