End Note

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We've reached the end of this book.

Kudos to you, fellow Alpha.

I hope you have learned relevant things in here. It may come off as self evident and I'm just reminding you, but either way take it as a motivation if it's not a lesson.

Some wish to be Alphas without knowing how to be one. It's not always the high and mighty cocky jerk they portrait in books or in the movies.

Being an Alpha is tough as you see. It is someone who takes hug e responsibility, has to deal with bunch of haters, fight against hard competitors and has to stay professional.

"Anyone can lead a pack, but only a few successfully leads them till the end..."

I believe that anyone can be an Alpha, depending on the situation and dynamic in a group.

Not everyone is a complete Alpha, we tend to switch either to Betas, Deltas or Omegas. A few are Sigmas.

So don't get stressed over that term. You are a Alpha in your life. And that's what matters the most. (:

Nevertheless, I had fun writing this book. It is an honor to see you, my readers, spending time on something I have worked on. Time is precious to everyone and seeing you take time for my work means a lot to me.

I looking forward to see you become a valuable Alpha.

"You can do more
than you think."

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