Chapter 10

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"Mommy?" Madi hugged my legs as I walked in Lexa's house. She was in the kitchen eating with Gaia.

"Hey kiddo." I gave her a pat on the head and she ran back to Gaia. "Gaia where's Lexa?"

"She's in the gym."

"Mamma kicking bag." Madi said. Smiling at her, I breathed in and went in search for my woman.

Her body was glistering with sweat, stretching those libs. I could watch her do this all day without butting an eye. Sensing me being a pervert she turned to face me but didn't stop her activities nor acknowledge my presence.

"hey." She looked at me getting up from the floor. "I know we are in a bad place. But I need a favor." She scoffed and proceeded on a treadmill. I hate this so much, I would rather she yells at me than this cold silence. "Tomorrow I have a session with Dr. Adams."

"Are you okay?" concern in her voice made me tear up, she still cared just stubborn.

"Yeah, it's a counselling or something like that. Anyway she said that I should invite you tomorrow, she'd love it if you came."

She didn't say anything. I guess we back at being mute. "Lexa I'm sorry, can't you just forgive me. I made a wrong judgment." Her response was putting switching on the music loud enough for me to hear on her headsets.

Annoyed at her antics I matched out of the room. Making sure to bang the door on my way out. What a bum.

I was so mad, being in this room is a shock in its self because I didn't even want to come. Lexa didn't give me any sign that she was even interested about coming. Chewing my lip, Dr. Adams was watching me.

"She's not coming." I told her because it seemed like she was waiting on her to start.

"Did she tell you that?"

"No." sighing. "We haven't been speaking lately, well she's been giving me the silent treatment."

She wrote something in the book, I wanted to ask what she writes when a knock came through.

"Come in." Dr. Adams called. The door was pushed open and there was my baby, walking in Lexa looked like a queen, her presence in the room was something that just pulled you in. she closed the door and walked towards me, kissing my cheek then faced the Doctor who was taking in every detail.

"Dr. Adams, nice meeting you." she said, you wouldn't know what kind of green monster lays under her beauty.

"Miss Woods."

"Just call me Lexa." I was staring at the flowers in the corner feeling like smiling because she came.

"Okay, let's start then. Lexa, so Clarke told me a few events of how you met." She just stared at the woman, waiting for whatever was needed to be said. "Would you say you've always been attracted to older women?"

"I've always admired older matured women." Adding emphasis on matured. "Just never dated one until Clarke that is."

"What seems to be the problem in your relationship?" just shoot us in the head Doc. I rolled my eyes and hoped she wouldn't call my name. I wanted to hear this from Lexa first. "Clarke, would you want to go first?"

Well how can I say no? "Ugh. Communication...I feel..."

"It's okay, let it out. Remember holding back can become a problem."

Breathing slowly I tried to steal a glance at Lexa who was looking at the vase on the table behind Dr. Adams. "I feel like she holds every mistake against me." A dark chuckle filled the room. Her eyes were on me now.

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